Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Untitled Document

Lenora X learns that it's not always good to have too many questions

Background on Lenora

Lenora X is the reborn body of Christine Drachios. Christine was killed by a young demon as part of her initiation ritual and her recently dead body was tossed into the Volcano and destroyed. Up till that point Christine Drachios was a Witch a mystic part of the Coven and also a slave pet to Joenta of Toxia a very powerful Demoness. Joenta had a curse placed on Christine that if ever she died she would be reborn again in the magic circle in her apartment but when her dead body was destroyed it disrupted the magic before it could complete the spell instead only her body returned without memory or powers just the human shell which was given the name Lenora by someone who found her wandering the streets dressed in only a bath towel. Lenora was desperate to learn who she was and why she was here and after weeks of searching she found her way back to the apartment making the mistake of going there alone to ask Joenta who this Christine was she found out the hard way that answers do not come cheap in this city and now she is Joenta's newest slave

Joenta makes Lenora her slave

[20:17] Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) Waits on the bed and watches the woman in the cage sleeping. [20:19] Lenora X (muirtech.kling): wakes up and looks around, she see's the Demoness sitting nearby her and appears frighten She moves slowly and grimaces she is in a great deal of pain looks around realize she is locked in a cage in the bedroom and is still nude "Please Miss Joenta I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'll do what ever you say just don't hurt me anymore please"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) smiles towards her a very warm look over her face while she lifts her skirt a little and lets her large horse cock grow out, it drips at the end with something that looked like honey with a thickness of it as well, the smell of the nectar that hangs down from the end of it is enough to make most people's mouths water with desire to taste it and involuntarily heightens arousal. She'd say nothing just slides it through the bars and waits while both her hands close around a pair of bars on Lenora's cage

Lenora X is Raped by the Demoness


Lenora X (muirtech.kling): her eyes grow wide at the sight of a giant penis she has never seen anything like it and immediately looks away but can't help but to be aware that the Demoness is pushing it through the gaps of the cage she turns and looks at it again as it presses against her leg then looking up at the woman she says only "Please if I do this will you let me go?" she begs

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) Just stays leaning against the cage with her cock pressed through the bars towards Lenora, she looks in the cage at her saying nothing just letting her smell that honey-like nectar that's slightly seeping from the finger thick hole in her flared cock head.permenate the cage that Lenora is trapped in.

Lenora X (muirtech.kling): She never before has done anything with a penis before in fact she can't recall any sexual experience at all and thinks this will be her first she isn't pleased about it she is scared so scared that she has a hard time moving but she is even more scared of what this woman would do to her if she didn't so she makes the effort reaching out for the giant cock with both hands lifting it up and staring at it almost cross-eyed before looking back at the woman she tries to rub the penis first moving the skin back and forth slowly holding it away from her face, by half a foot still her hands slide all the way down till they are fully extended before sliding back up to it's bulbish head she does this over and over again while looking at the woman to see if this is what she wants

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) starts to moan very sensually her voice coming very pleasing to the ears, her eyes began to close as Lenora rubs along the still wet cock, she'd keep making those soft sounds of pleasure down towards Lenora while leaning more upon the cage. "Mmmmmm..." so sweet her tone, everywhere that the honey colored liquid touches upon Lenora tingles and feels pleasingly warm like it was some special lotion.

Lenora X (muirtech.kling): she smells the woman musky oder and is wondering why it smells so good she thought it would smell well different the cock she holds in both hands and she can barely get her fingers to touch,so thick it is near the base, she tries to keep it away from her face the wet sultriness of the tip but some of it gets on her hands which makes rubbing the cock easier but her skin starts to prickle and feel warm where the liquid touches it she wonders if this is normal or for that matter if all penises are this large. she looks at the growing cock in her hands in wonder as it seems to get bigger and bigger by the minute she reaches up too cup the tip also to hold it away from her face and is rewarded with a handful of this warm tinglely juice that is seeping out of the tip

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) her eyes open and she looks down towards Lenora again, she said softly to her "you are letting... a lot of your breakfast... go to waste child..." while leaning on the bars as her cock throbs steadily leaking that thick rich smelling nectar from the tip.

She is still deadly afraid of this woman so much so she is doesn't want to speak too much but she knows this woman holds her life in her hands just as she is holding the Demoness cock perhaps she can come to some sort of arrangement she starts to speak but the words catches in her throat and it comes out as a croaking whisper 'I,...I,....I,....hope yooou Li-Like this Miss,...." She looks up at her and gives a sort of smile that comes . out more a grimace "You want me to ,........she struggles to complete the sentence "too put this in my mouth?" "If I do will you explain to me what you meant by saying I'm borrowing this body you,...must then know who I am?" she leans forward and closes her eyes tightly giving the cock head a quick peck of a kiss the juice covers much of her lips and lower face but she keeps her lips pressed closed for the moment. The thick cock juice warms her face and she starts to cough tasting some of it as she struggle for breath finding the taste not bad rather sweet in fact she turns away from the woman so that she doesn't see her lick her lips, before turning back towards her, arms extended, hands holding the cock up towards her, she leans over and rubs it against her face so that the juice coats much of her still she resists placing it in her mouth completely although she smells the copious precum and finds it very enticing to her.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) Moans softly at the kiss then opened her eyes looking into the cage again "Yes the body you are in... is my room mates body... one of my slaves... her ghost visits here often now... because of the curse on her... she can not cross over... ever." the smell became overwhelming quickly now that she was kissing on the tip and should she taste the honey that drips from the end of Joenta's cock she'd find it most pleasing to the tongue She moans again over the slow licking that Lenora provides over that cock head, the thick rich nectar warms her throat on the way down when it's swallowed, she can feel her hunger pains starting to melt away as the liquid stays warm within her tummy "You will replace her... as my slave... until I can find a way to... either bring her back... or separate the two of you..." she moans again deeply but keeps herself gripping the bars and just leaning against the cage.

As Lenora listens to the woman explination she has questions she opens her mouth to ask but instead her tongue seems to reach out on it's own accord and lick at the Giant horse cock in front of her.

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