Becoming Cat Food


"Joenta Takes Christine over to the Fish Co. as Dinner"

Summary: Christine is asked by Joenta to help her repay some favor to the Prowlers she is taken over to the Fish Co. (Nude) and Joenta explains what she has in mind.

A little out of breath Christine runs to catch up to her Mistress they stop in front of the prowlers headquarters

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) kind of pulls Christine along and pauses at the door "hey... brought some dinner... if any of you guys... want..." she pokes at Ray's chest.

You: She shyly places one arm across her breast and another covering her crotch she looks down at the ground feeling shy and a litle embarrassed to be naked before people she doesn't know Once she is pushed forward to stand before a feline-male with sharp ears she quickly drops to her knees hands behind her head and wait to be directed what awaits her

Rayek Kytori squeeks as his daydream is disrupted and peers up -he smiled as he looked up towards Joe- "Hey JoeJoe, you did!" -he smiled like :D - thats so kind of you.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) looks back towards Christine then slides out of the way as she moves to her knees and presents herself "that a little better..." she said towards her with a smile on her lips "yes be proud of... what you are..." she turned back to Ray and smile brightly "what do you think... of her?" she asked while waving her hands towards Christine.

Rayek Kytori coughs as he whas slightly blushing "She's slightly naked isn't she? And a little on the thin side for a prey at least. err... thats dinner right?"
Livia Pixelmaid walks out of the fish co. and looks about, seeing a naked woman "errr...." then she looks at Jo

You: Christine can't help but smile as her Mistress pays her a compliment, for the first time she takes a quick peek up looking at the man standing in front of her she quickly looks back down not making eye contact and remaining silent until told to speak.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "Well... we didn't want... to get her clothing all bloody..." she smiled towards Ray then nodded towards Livia "Hi... brought dinner..." waved her hand towards Christine "even if she... is skinny... she's drank a potion... to make her flesh regenerate... so you can eat her again and again..." she nodded towards Ray.

Livia Pixelmaid blinks "Wellll...I am not that hungry..." livia's stomach did a little flip, and her hand went to it, trying not to gag

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) gives Livia a funny look as she held her stomach like that "are you not... a feline?" she asked in a soft tone of voice.

Rayek Kytori nods "Well I guess I can understand that, It seems most prowlers are occupied at the moment but I do appreciate it and err... I wouldn't mind cutting her up and stuffing her in the fridge.

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) walks up to the fish co. and jumps onto one of the fish stand roof hearing his new armor clank loudly against the old metal roof.
Livia Pixelmaid looks at Jo 'well, Iam...about 25% feline if you want numbers Jo, and I grew up mom was human...I have always ate like, well...a human." livia looks at the naked girl then jo "do felines eat...humans?"

Rayek Kytori nudges Livia "You know some of us eat pretty much anything but feline."
Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) looks up for just a moment then back towards Ray "well... cut away..." she looked towards Christine "stand up... hands on the back of your... head legs spread out..." she looked back towards Livia "felines... eat meat..." then gave a few nods of her head.

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) taps his foot as i lean over the roof "Ummm only feline i eat is...well you get the idea." he stares at the naked woman "So umm who ordered the birthday stripper?"

Livia Pixelmaid turns hearing noises behind her and she smiles and waves then turns back round "oh...actually I did not know that...I thought it was livers and wolves..." livia looked at her shoes

You: Christine looked up at the woman, offered a small, meek smile. She stares at her not saying a word but watches her Christine feels the butterflies in her stomach she is scared but it seems as if the woman is feeling the same thing she hopes that nothing goes wrong with bringing her back to life she would find it just sad if after all of this her life ended as cat-chow because the magic didn't work right

Rayek Kytori shrugs "Depends from person to person Joe," -he walks up to the woman as he extracts his sword and pauzes- "Do her limbs regenerate or should i just cut off laps of meat?

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "I've got... her hyped up... on a pretty powerful... regeneration potion... I'm sure that... limbs are ok too... if they don't grow back... from the potion... I have other ways..." she nodded again then looked over towards Livia "she's here... by choice... and there is a spell on her... that translates pain into pleasure... if your worried about hurting her... don't..." she smiled warmly to her again.

Livia Pixelmaid stands back, feeling odd and out of place among the prowlers for the first time since she was a kitten here, trying to fit in among her kind blinks "Well, that's nice...I guess...that she wont feel anything.." livia's voice drops a level and she looks away

Rayek Kytori nodded "Well that... spell is family." -he grins and looks towards the woman- "please givem me your hand" -as he reaches out towards her-
You: responding to an unspoken command Christine takes a position that her Mistress taught her she remains respectful to the prowlers authority, and try's to show humility, keeping a positive attitude, still this sort of play always worries her but she nods as her Mistress explains it in detail,..."Yes it's true I will not be damaged no matter what you do to me?" She gives a slight smile and goes quiet again
Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "No... she'll feel something alright... pleasure... that is equal to the pain... she should have..." she smiled towards her.

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) looks down at livia and whistles playfully "C'mon up here can see less from this roof."

You: Christine breaks position as the man reaches towards her she slowly gives him her hand and turns to give her Mistress a sad sort of Don't leave me sort of look"
Livia Pixelmaid turns to look at D, and she smiles, giving him that sweet look as a thank you for getting her out of an uncomfortable situation, she walks round to the front and looks up, and jumps..

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) nods assuringly towards Christine giving her a very warm smile.

Livia Pixelmaid stands behind D

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) smiles and turns around to look at livia "Heya livia." he purred softly.

You: Christine turns back to the man determined to make her Mistress proud of her, "PLease lead on sir" she says softly

Rayek Kytori took her hand and held it firmly as he streched her arm towards him, he would quickly raise his other arm with his sword and with one short slash chop her arm off near her shoulder.- "There.. that should be good for a nibble for two weeks. as the arm would flop next to him still holding it firmly in his hand.

Livia Pixelmaid smiles at D "heey D how you been?" livia purred back: ^VV^^V^PuRRrSss^VV^^V

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) scratches the back of head "Been better." he looked behind himself just for a second then back to livia "So umm someone was hungry?" he continued to scratch his head while looking at livia.

You: Ahhhhhhhh Christine can't help but scream out so unexpected was the cut she would have passed out from shock and suprise if a sudden rush of endorphins hadn't rush in on her making her almost happy,...Still she graps at the wound which is bleeding fiercely

Livia Pixelmaid tilts her head at D "been better?" livia folded her ears back, trying to block out the scream "uhmm....what's wrong, D?"

Rayek Kytori held the arm up in front of him clenching with its fingers inspecting it closely. as some blood dripped on the ground not paying much attention to the woman. "She's human right? I like to put sticky notes on what I put in the fridge."
Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) laughed "Umm wasn't feeling good for a few days." he snickered then folded his ears flat to the woman screaming "Just wasn't around much is all." he smiled at liiva and leaned in close and pokes her stomach "How is yews?"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) watches as Ray makes his chop and Christine screamed from it "yes human..." she smiled towards him keeping her eyes on Christine watching as there is a snapping noise and then a slurping sound as Christine's arm starts to regenerate from the potion "I though that... I'd come by... and offer a gift... for helping me the... other day..."

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) ran and jumped from the ledge of the ten story bulding across from Fish co. as he was coming down he fliped and landed in a crouch, standing to his feet he looked at the group and then nodded to Joenta as he walked closer seeing a body and some blood "what's that?" he asked looking at Ray.
You: In spite of all the magic that Joenta had placed on her the sight of her arm in that man's hand causes her to swoon and fall down in a faint she never liked the sight of blood especially her own

Livia Pixelmaid pouts for D " awww I'm sorry you haven't felt well, D....and yes, I haven't seen you much lately.." livia watches him lean in close an poke her belly, she laughs as she bats at his finger "well, you seem good now, up to your playful self" livia snickered

Rayek Kytori conveniantly pulled out a white plastic bag and put the arm into it "I woulden't want my suit to get all bloody." -he looks up towards Sor- "Its food, Joe is thanking us." -as he begins taking off his coat.

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) jumped back and had both index fingers and was making a ninja sound "Waaahaaaa!" he pokes her belly a few more times "Yuppers back to meh!" he laughed then looked at her face "So umm whats with the angry paint?"

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm): "food why would she bring us live food, it seems as if I would rather enjoy something not alive and hear the thing scream." he said seriously as he looked down at the Human that had fainted.

Christine Drachios dreams of being eaten by cats she stays on the ground for just a few minutes until she wakes herself up screaming t-h-h-hurts...please...please...pleee...ooooooooohhh! ...Oh…OH…OH…OH…OH…AAHHHH…OOHHHH….AAAHHHH…OOOOOHHHHHH!” She looks around not sure of where she is at then spies the man still holding onto her arm "Oh! " was all she could say noticing as well a partly grown arm still developing in it's place

Rayek Kytori shrugs "As he rolled up his sleeves. "This way we get to pick. as he placed his sword in its hilt flexing the claws on his hand and kneeled down in front of the woman pointing out his index finger and making a cut across her belly. puncturing thru the skin completely.

Livia Pixelmaid walks to the edge and looks down, she tries to keep her eyes away from the chopping 'uhm...yeh, thanks Jo...for all the other prowlers too, we appreciate your offering" livia nods then looks back to D , trying to block the attack of pokes and she laughs "Stop!" then she reached up to rub at her eyes "Wasn't I wearing this last I saw you?"

Rayek Kytori would raise his eyebrows seeing the wound might heal before he gets what he wants quickly digging his hand into the woman as he dug in her intestines.
Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) moves over towards Christine and coils down around her to rub her back softly, she breathed out "maybe it's for the... best that she... fa..." trailed off as Christine seemed to wake up. "It shouldn't... hurt at all..." she said and moved her hand to Christine's back again pouring a bit more magic into her to twist the pain into pleasure.

You: As soon as the arm regrowns to it's normal size she gets up and resume the position her Mistress had taught her

Rayek Kytori searching inside of her as he took firm grip onto her liver "Her organs will regenerate too right?" -Tugging onto it before ripping it lose completely and pulling it out of the wound. in her stomach-

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) looks at livia and shrugs "Umm ya but you didn't have angry face last time though." he snickered as i leaned in closer placing the back of my head on her shoulder looking at her sideways "But i got to split.. freaking places to be." he winked at livia.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "Yes..." she nodded towards Ray watching him dig about inside of Christine.

Livia Pixelmaid grins "I have an angry face?" livia could have sworns he was waring this make up last she saw him "oh...' she feels him lay his head on her shoulder "oh, ok...well, see you later D!" livia reached over and poked his nose "should have seen me a second ago, pure innocense...I swore....almost" livia giggled "Well, we will see you some other time then, take care"

Rayek Kytori nods as he placed the liver in the bag with the arm leaving a trail of blood on the floor. as he peered at her leg- "I think that would make nice kebab, or even hamburgers" -he grabbed hold of her leg as he pulled out one of his wrist daggers and cut off slices from her upper leg.

You: Christine shuts her eyes tight as the man rips her stomach open letting her guts spill out, it's not painful not at all but the shock of seeing herself cut up is what bothers her the most, she feels the exposed moist hot folds of her intestines pull out of her,...she finds the experience very stimulating and odd like begin tickled from the inside she continues to keep her eyes shut tight afraid to see all the blood

Đαυɾαցοη (dauragon.tamatzui) jumps off and runs off into the toxic fog.

Livia Pixelmaid sighs and sits at the edge of the roof, her distraction gone..
You: She finds it hard to remain standing as the man starts in on her leg she feels herself slick with blood and spilled guts and as wobbly as lady toxia she see's often on the street, a moment she feels like she is about to fall over but try's to remain standing on one leg as long as is possible for her
Livia Pixelmaid eyes fall on Sor and she lowers her brows

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) watched ay take apart the Human "did she agree to this Joe?" he said as he walked over to the wooden post that held up the roof that Livia was sitting on, looking up he waves very shortly at her as he looked back at the human.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) nods towards Sor as she helped Christine stay standing coming back up again watching Ray work on her, she whispered into her softly "Good girl... stay relaxed... he shouldn't take... much more..." she stroked her fingers through her hair "Nice warm... shower... when we get back..." she said giving her other things to think about besides the blood.

Rayek Kytori continues finding it interesting how the skin regenerates as he cuts about on her leg taking slabs of meat. throwing them on the plastic bag without much care of the human being alive as if he had been working in a butchery for years. -he looks up towards Sorwyn, "Any requests mate?" -as he returned his attention back towards the womans toes. imagining the toes in a plastic bag like candy-

Livia Pixelmaid looks at Ray "remind me to gift you with a butchers apron..." livia snickered
You: She can't stay standing any longer as the muscels of her legs give way or are cut away, which ever is the case she falls to the sidewalk landing on her ass for a moment she opens her eyes and looks at the corner of the fish company all sideways blood is everywhere and her hands seeking to support the weight of her upper body slips on it causing her to fall back onto the street

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) smirked and laughed at Livia's joke, looking at ray he shook his head "nah im good with animal meet, and stuff like that, a living human being seems wrong even if she feels nothing and also gets her body parts back afterwards." he said as he crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.

Rayek Kytori peers at the woman and nods "Well That should be enough for a while" -he places the meat in the plastic bag- "I'll put this in the fridge right away" -peering down at the woman again and then towards Joe- "Should be good for a while to fill our tummies, Thanks Joe."

Livia Pixelmaid nods "yes, I see.." livia squints as she looks at the scene before her, trying to block out the brutality of it "I dont mind meat...but, it has to be cooked....and seeing the butchering take place...just...well, no one better tell me if we have a BBQ what meat I am eating" livia flicked her ears her mouth shifting to the side as she looked down at Sor, grumbling thinking of a discussion she needs to have with him

You: She feels her guts regrowing inside of her it's a very strange sensations like the satisfaction of a good meal but being rubbed into her like heating jell she lays back in her own blood and enjoys the feeling also her leg is starting to repair itself as well she opens her eyes to look around becoming more use to the sight of her own blood now"

Livia Pixelmaid nods over at Jo "yes, thanks for the thought, it's always good to" livia nodded then smiled, sitting back trying to relax

You: As soon as the leg feels strong enough she attempts to sit up then she stands and takes her open position again waiting for the man with the knife to continue to his cutting

Rayek Kytori peered in the plastic bag and than back at the woman blinking his eyes. "Oh? She wants more?" -being slightly suprised-

You: Christine looks back at the man,..."It's up to you sir, How large is your Refrigerator?"

Livia Pixelmaid laughs a little, hearing the woman speak..

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) nods towards Ray and keeps holding Christine waiting for her body to fully repair itself "I do... plan on hosting... a BBQ for you guys... soonish... several of my... girls also want... to repay you all... let me know a good time... when there will be a good turn out..." she smiled softly. Her hand rests on Christine's back and rubs up and down "She'll... endure... for however long... you need her too... Ray... I'm actually surprised that she... hasn't started to orgasm... maybe my... magic isn't working fully."

Rayek Kytori shrugs "Well I always loved ribs... allthought that might... be a bit extreme." -peering at her chest-

Livia Pixelmaid looks over at Jo "Well, that's fine Jo...but I would rather not see a line of girls, waiting to be butchered as we BBQ..."

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) looks at each of them as they speak in turn then kind of shakes her head a little "the girls... they will be cooking and... serving themselves... to you..." her attention turned towards Ray "extreme?" she asked with a grin as she moved her hands slowly over Christine's back then around to cup over her breasts gently squeezing them, eventually her fingertips came to her breast bone in the middle of her chest then dug in deeply, popping noises are heard as she starts to peal back the skin flesh then bone.

You: Christine is fully rejuvinated and takes her position again she is breathing heavily but not because she is tired a serious burst of endogenous tranquillizers and regulating her breathing and heart rate. She felt calm, and as a matter of fact there was no pain at all.

Livia Pixelmaid looks at Jo again and shrugs

You: Christine gasps as her bones crack, she feels light headed, but again the general level of stimulation was just too high to pay attention to something as simple having her skin pulled off of her she whimpered, grunted, moaned, groaned, and then began cumming and cumming and cumming.  “Oh…….Oh…OH...OHHHH….uuuuhhhhh……ohhhhhh.oh…oh…oh…OHHH….OH…….OHHHH.” Involuntarily, she had multiple orgasms that kept exploding like a string of firecrackers. 

Livia Pixelmaid flicked her ears forward, looking at the naked woman, "uh...." livia
Rayek Kytori shrugs as he begins to cut away the skin around the womans rights before sighing "Ugh it is a lot of work but err..." -he'd grab his wrist knife and start punching it into her breast bone repeatingly trying to slip it in two wiggling it untill it is completly seperated, placing his knife deeping as the bones split using his knife as leverage against the other borken off part to life the ribs up, palcing his hand under it and litterly ripping it off while slightly cutting the sides to relief her of her Rib case.

Livia Pixelmaid: *cheeks turning pink, as she watchd her writher in an agony of orgasm's

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) looks up at Livia "gruesome isnt it?" he said meaning what the woman was going through at the moment.

You: Christine is a little embarrassed to be losing control of herself like this in public but a girl can only take so much, her eyes roll back in her head in a passionate swoon she is feeling faint again but struggles to remain on her feet
Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) felt her orgasming in her arms and held her there for Ray's blade watching as her chest cavity is exposed "it's finally... started to work... like it should... maybe the other... potion slowed it down some..." she mused outloud glad that Christine can now enjoy it as she had meant it to be enjoyed.
Livia Pixelmaid hand comes up quickly as ray rips her rib cage off, she covers her eyes "ohhh do you do that Ray?"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "Careful... Livia he might... misunderstand... the question and start... to tell you about... the mechanics involved.."

Rayek Kytori ears perk up hearing Livi as he stands up slowly holding the ribs. "After cutting up enough peopel you kind of get a feel to it on how it all fits together like a puzzle."

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "Told you..."

Rayek Kytori gasps "Oh you mean the orgasm..."

Pixelmaid gags then laughs at the same time "gah!!" she covers her ears now

You: Again she had a long string of convulsive orgasms and screamed, Ahhhhhhhh……..Uhhhh…..OOOHHHHH…..UH…..OOOHHH….OOOHHHH….oooohhhh….oooohhhh.” The undescribable pleasure, but agony turned to bless in her eyes and the way she started cumming, was more than words could ever describe.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "no ray..." she giggles still holding onto Christine.

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) sighs and looks at Joe "now counting her how many girls do you have that is now or have experenced this?" he wondered looking at Livia.

Rayek Kytori boggles "Oh.. I get it" -he grins peering at the woman- "Well I'm done, I have something to attend to. as he wipes off his hands on his chest- "I'll put this in the fridge for later unless somebody else wants to have a go." -he walks with the ribs and the plastic bag to the fridge to store them.-

You: Again Christine faints her rapid breathing having caused her to hyperventalates and pass out

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) follows Sor's eyes over towards Livia then smiles "Are you suggesting... that I take Livia next?"

Livia Pixelmaid shakes her head "no no no...I'm good, right here..." livia curled her fingers round the rafters as she tries to bat Sor on the head with her tail

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) laughed out loud ad shook his head "you could try but i doubt she would let you anywhere near her if she knew you wanted to do that, and Joenta if you need help with her ill carry her back." he suggested still leaning on the wooden post.

Livia Pixelmaid looks down at Sor "What the fuck" and tries to kick him in the head
Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) gets batted with Livia's tail on the head and then bats her tail with his. ducks from the kick "stop trying to hit me shit." he said grumbling.

Livia Pixelmaid: you cant bat me with your tail, your down there)

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "That'll be... good... yes carry her for me... please..." she looked up towards Livia "You just... saw how powerful... her pleasures was... and it didn't... perk your curiosity at all?" she lofted a single eyebrow at her.

Livia Pixelmaid grumbles "well, stop doing stupid shit like throwing tuna at me and suggesting you could easily carry me off to let Jo do ....THAT to me..." livia grumbled

Rayek Kytori coughs towards Joe "I woulden't like to know people were feeding on my sister."

You: slowly Christine gains conscienceness and gets up slowly

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) moved over to the woman,and moved his arms under her back and legs as he lifted her up easily, taking a blanket from Fish co. he placed it over her naked body and looked at Livia "well see ya later Livia.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) takes out a little red orb that looks very much like it was made from the same stuff as gummy bears then tosses it up towards Livia. "Eat that... then poke yourself... with something sharp... you'll get the idea..."

Livia Pixelmaid peers down at Sor, thinking he was suggesting to carry Christine away to get far from her... "We will talk soon, Sor..."

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm): "About what, something i did?" he asked wondering as he was already going to disappear and hide away from everyone until after the Ful moon or as long as he could, he wanted to not deal with something adn or let things cool off.

Livia Pixelmaid catches the little candy being tossed at her "saaay what?" livia stared at it "uh..." she rolled it between her fingers examining it "I like pain to be truthful.....but, not that way..." livia points to Christine and leaves it at that

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "Oh just eat it... and give yourself a poke..." she giggled and shook her head before starting off towards her apartment again.

Livia Pixelmaid sighed and stuck the candy in her pocket "maybe I will do that, later..." livia looked to sor, "you can't hide you know...I WILL sniff you out..."

You: A tall man comes over and picks up Christine she wonders what this is about no, she lets herself be placed over his shoulder and looks out at her Mistress going "Wait don't leave me Mistress"

Sorwyn Storm (sorwynstorm) looked at Livia "fine you do that but you not the one im hiding from Lvia, ill catch you when you come and find me." he said walking off carrying Christine and following where joenta went.