Russ is trapped in the woods of her dreams

Mid summer Russ Dream copy

You: Greetings family [20:16] You: Comes into the shop and is glad to see Russ and Lusi there "I have a report for you Russ do you want me to place it in the backroom?"[20:16] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) jump with a start, wide-eyed as she spins around, her face white. She pants, "O-oh god! Christine! It's y-you... you s-scared... y-you scared me." She nods, "Y-yes... yes if y-you w-would."[20:17] You: "I'm sorry Russ I didn't mean too,...I'll go put it back there would you like me to get you some tea or something?"[20:19] Dena Gothly: .[20:19] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) shake her head, "N-no... me and Lusi are g-going to sit down, th-though... w-would you like t-to j-join us?"[20:20] You: Of course I would that would be a great treat let me go take care of turning this report in and I'm meet you over there[20:20] (SP) Passion AO.: Sit anywhere: On[20:21] (SP) Passion AO.: Sit anywhere: Off[20:21] DCS 2.99.33: You Gain 15 xp Total Xp: 4955[20:21] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) turn and cling to Lusi's arm, looking up at her.[20:22] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) smiles and leads Russ into the back to the couches[20:23] You: Christine looks from the back room through the beaded curtain she thinks Russ is acting a little strangly but smiles at them both as they come into the back not wanting to appear worried,..."Was it a hard day for you hon?" she asks[20:23] (SP) Passion AO.: Sit anywhere: On[20:25] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) follow Lusi into the back, smiling weakly as she clings to her arm, and nods to Christine, "I... y-yes. It's... y-yes."[20:27] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) moves Russ to a couch and helps her sit, then would sit next to her[20:27] You: Christine stands up concern etched on her face, she is painly worried now "Has someone hurt you Russ? She asks looking at Lusi glad that she is here to help her teacher wondering if she knows what happened[20:27] Left Cushion whispers: Hi Russ Uxlay! Touch me for Menu. Say /1a to Adjust.[20:29] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) shamble over along with Lusi and take a seat, not letting go of the girl's arm. She shakes her head, "N-no... I w-wasn't att-attacked. I'm j-ju-" She stops, shaking her head again, "I'm h-having a b-bad d-day. Th-that is all." That clearly is not all.[20:31] DCS [20:32] You: Clearly confused Christine just nods her head allowing Russ to stay quiet if she wishes knowing that she will tell her what she wants her to know when she feels the time is right, in the mean time Christine looks for another topic to discuss,..."Well I was just over at the Library they are concerned about some strange defacing of books both there's and some bibles in the Church. It doesn't sound like magic to me but I told Cid I would ask you if you had heard anything especially if anyone has tried to deface any books of ours?"[20:33] Jessica Xeltentat is Offline[20:35] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) lean again Lusi, trembling slightly, as she shakes her head, "N-no, I h-haven't, no. Our b-books are o-okay. I h-haven't h-heard anything a-about it."[20:36] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) would try to take her arm from Russ in order to wrap it around Russ in a comforting way[20:37] You: She continues to search their faces for clues as to what is happening she just remember there are a few new books laying about one just behind her in fact she must remember to go over and check it later but is immediately reassured by Russ reply,..."Then I will tell him we don't know anything about it but will keep our eyes open for anyone who might be defacing books,....Oh and he also said he may be sending a possible recruit our way a female vampire"[20:39] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) tugs at Lusi's arm the girl tries to pull it away, then seems to give up, looking sad until it is wrapped around her. She curls against Lusi, and nods to Christine, "R-really? I-I'm s-suprised th-they'd send anyone t-to us."[20:40] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) seems confused, "vampire You: "Well it doesn't seem at all mad at us, I have a very good relationship with cid and with Els I believe, He said the girl looked at the Kindred but found them a bunch of posers so he though she might be a good fit for us I told him to send her down and we will discuss the matter with her" "One last thing I went over to the pit myself the other day to look around see if I can find anything being build since we have heard rumors and such,...I must have picked a good time because no one was about, I searched all the areas I could but found nothing just a large snake in a cage but it didn't respond when I called it Joenta,...and some of the typical cages and torture stuff cobwebs spiders the usual stuff"[20:45] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) shake her head, "Th-the portal is already done. Mister Drake explained wh-what it was about. W-we were behind f-from the beginning." She wraps her arms around Lusi as she curls up next to her, "V-vampires. Th-they... well... I-I'm still a l-little scared of them."[20:47] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) wraps her arms around Russ and listens, " bad about them?"[20:49] You: Christine looks up at Russ with a very bewildered look on her face, "The Portal is done?" Ah,,,,what do you mean we were behind from the beginning?" "Behind what may I ask?" "And I understand your fear of vampires I too am afraid of them but not all of them are bad you know fluffy is part vamp she not bad" Christine smiles then says in a teasing way "Unless she wants to be" Then looking serious again, but what do you mean Drake explained it?" "He explained what?"[20:49] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) reaches up her hand towards Lusi's neck, holding out two fingers and poking the side of Lusi's neck with them, "Th-they... th-they b-bite you, and d-drink your blood, and t-turn y-you into one of th-them."[20:50] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) look back to Christine, "One of th-their s-sisters died. Th-they b-built th-the portal to b-bring h-her b-back."[20:51] You: "Oh" was all Christine manages to say to that[20:53] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) looks a little confused at the

thought of a being that feed off blood, "odd..."[20:55] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) cling to Lusi, nodding, "F-frightening... b-but... b-but I guess th-they're n-not th-that differen-" She jumps with a start, cringing into a little ball beside Lusi as she hears footsteps behind her, "Eep! Oh! Oh... M-Mister Lorne.. h-hello..."[20:56] You: "Somehow I don't fully understand how that can be done even though I have passed through that portal a couple of times myself every time I die and come back I'm more confused than before how that is possible." she looks up as one of the senior Priest enters "Greetings brother Lorne"[20:57] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) perks up her head to see the man being addressed as 'Lorne', lightly moving a hand to rub at Russ's upper arm[20:57] Lorne Harlequin makes it past the curtains, and cocks His head to what little of Russ' conversation He had heard, looking towards Christine...who did not seem especially frightening, first blush. He nods to her, and looks back to Russ...He looks between the two of them "What was it you were diuscussing?"[20:59] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) looks up at Lorne, "V-vampires. Lusi asked ab-bout vampires. H-have you met Lusi?" She looks up at Lusi as she clings to her, then back to Lorne, "TH-this is L-Lusi. Lusi, th-this is Mister Lorne."[21:01] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) bows her head to Lorne, a few strands of bright red hair move in front of her eyes, "pleasure to meet you, Lorne..."[21:03] Lorne Harlequin nods, then looks to she that Russ introduces. He steps over to her side of the couch "We may have met whilst My physical aspect was being used by Legion...You might have remembered her a s a pale woman in purple, with white hair, floating slightly above the floor"[21:03] [21:04] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) seems confused as she looks up at Lorne, shivering slightly.[21:04] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) nods, "i remember, didn't know who that was to be honest, but was prepared to defend just in case..."[21:05] Andro (androphelia) is Online[21:05] Lorne Harlequin turns to Russ, and angles His head in a sort of empathetic way "...I don't imagine you've met Legion either. Just another few facets of Me. Souls rather more tightly bound together than those of your sisters, who were much more recent additions...What is it that has disturbed you so, sweet Russ?"[21:07] Mad little Russ and her sisters (russ.uxlay) blink, then glance away, "I th-think I remember my sisters t-telling m-me about that... b-but..." She looks back up at Lorne, "I c-can't hear them. Th-they're trying s-so hard, b-but... w-we're... w-we are losing." She clings to Lusi tighter.[21:09] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) looks up at Lorne, " might be able to help her? she mentioned your name earlier..."[21:09] Lorne Harlequin takes on a more concerned aspect, and a step or two closer "Something must be done then, of course. We can't have you losing."[21:12] Little Russ (russ.uxlay) look to Lusi, then up at Lorne, "I'm at a l-loss. Th-the only th-thing any of m-my s-sisters came up with w-were t-temporary, at b-best."

[21:19] Lorne Harlequin blinks contemplatively to Russ a few times. He looks to Lusi, then back to Russ. His lips do not move, and the voices that come in imperfect unison in the air between the three sound femenine "Perhaps We might provide a bridge into your mind, Russ...and other coven might have the Litha in your head, and tie your sisters with you as the ribbons upon the may pole"[21:20] DCS 2.99.33: Camp Timer reset![21:21] DCS 2.99.33: Christine Drachios OOC: sorry bout that back[21:21] Dena Gothly is Offline[21:21] Little Russ (russ.uxlay) goes wide-eyed, glancing around like a scared rabbit, then sighs and looks back up toward Lorne, "D-do you... do you th-thi- no. Th-that's a t-terrible idea. Wh-what happens if s-someone is h-hurt?"[21:23] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) looks to Russ with a kind smile, "then it would be worth it, darling.."[21:24] [21:25] Lorne Harlequin's eyevoids close, and He shakes His head "What happens when you fall too fast in a dream? You wake up. Nows a time quite in tune with the Dreaming, and I have much ability to steer the course of your dreams. If you can trust Me, I can help you set the stage for our other talented colleagues to make something truly joyous out of celebrating the coming summer."[21:27] You: Christine listens to the conversations then raises to her feet Mr. Lorne sir when I was just a novice here one of the first lessons Russ tried to teach me was how to use gymphs to focus my inner thoughts for at that time I could see peoples spiritual energies perhaps that same gymph if use on Russ could help to bring her sister back into ahhh,...focus I guess would be the word I mean it couldn't hurt right ?"[21:29] Lorne Harlequin turns to look upon Christine, considering "...Come to think of it...Duckie's atempt to look within you, Russ, revealed a shadow, yes? That's the problem, is it not?" He looks back to her[21:29] Little Russ (russ.uxlay) loosens her grip on Lusi, frowning deeply as she brings her knees up to her chest, "I know where my sisters are. Th-they aren't lost. Th-they're busy- t-trying to k-keep Grandmother f-from overwelming me. It's t-taking all th-thier energy, n-now. F-for the first t-time in a while... mine is th-the only voice I h-hear in m-my thoughts. I know th-they're there... I j-just can't disturb th-them..."[21:31] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen): then...Grandmother and her 'friend'...need to be taken out...they are causing you so much pain[21:31] You: Chrisitine nods for the first time thinking she understands the trouble that her friend is going through but also feels helpless and not sure how to proceed "Tell us Russ what should we do to help you how can we help your sisters"[21:34] [21:35] Little Russ (russ.uxlay) sigh, wrapping her arms around her knees, "G-grandmother and th-the sh-shadow... are p-part of us- of m-me. I can't s-simply c-cut them out, n-now. Th-they... they h-have to be contained, c-controlled. If... if Mister Lorne's d-dream ritual c-can... if y-you can help my sisters... th-that- that might work." She doesn't sound terribly confident.[21:37] Jessica Xeltentat is Online[21:38] You: Turning to the Coven Priest "Can you help her sir? Would the dream ritual work? I have also heard told of mirror that can capture a spirit perhaps we could attempt to

do something like that,...Christine bites her lips realizing she is presuming to tell a senior member how to use magic when eveyone knows she knows nothing about how to cast spells, "I'm sorry sir please forgive me, I'm just I'm just worried about Russ we got to help her"[21:39] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) would rest a hand on Russ's back to rub it in a comforting wayorne Harlequin tilts His head to Russ. He shakes His head to Christine's appologies "Don't be afraid to suggest, Christine. putting forward ideas hardly does anyone harm..." As He stares at Russ in silence a lingering while, the light in the room seems to dim. Though there's nothing there in either place there ought be eyes in Lorne's head, there is a while along the end of this moment there seems to be two black orbs reflecting a fire in the dark before them. His voice sounds as though there is snow all around absorbing all the sound that gets too far "Perhaps...a grand adventure...under the roof of night over your mind now..." breath can be seen like steam curling out His mouth and nostrilslakot
[21:45] Lorne Harlequin tilts His head to Russ. He shakes His head to Christine's appologies "Don't be afraid to suggest, Christine. putting forward ideas hardly does anyone harm..." As He stares at Russ in silence a lingering while, the light in the room seems to dim. Though there's nothing there in either place there ought be eyes in Lorne's head, there is a while along the end of this moment there seems to be two black orbs reflecting a fire in the dark before them. His voice sounds as though there is snow all around absorbing all the sound that gets too far "Perhaps...a grand adventure...under the roof of night over your mind now..." breath can be seen like steam curling out His mouth and nostrils[21:45] IM: Lorne Harlequin: just a long post[21:45] IM: Lorne Harlequin: I does that sometimes :D Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) offers her hand to Russ with a reassuring smile[21:46] Sharice Quintessa is Offline[21:48] Little Russ (russ.uxlay) watch Lorne's somewhat transformation, then go wide-eyed as she feels a hand on her back. She looks to Lusi, smiling fully for the first time tonight and takes her hand, nodding, "If... if y-you are willing... th-thank you... I'd- I h-had hoped not to- n-not to involve, not t-to worry anyone. I guess I d-didn't h-have much hope, d-did I[21:51] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) smiles warmly, murmuring to her, "i got involved by choice..don't worry your pretty little head over it.."[21:53] You: Christine grows quite watching the transformation of Lorne as he calls on some inner power that only he possesses She is in awe of such power although she understand that it is only his connection to a greater source of power that permits him to be this conduit of energy. Still it is none the less impressive to watch,. softly at first then with some more energy christine adds her own chanting sinding in lakota she prays for her borthers success and her sister's health to return Lorne" Tacante yute 'sni wan waecon Wasicun napciyunk hipi Titom iwakte agl.,....[21:55]

You: (singing)a[21:51] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) smiles warmly, murmuring to her, "i got involved by choice..don't worry your pretty little head over it.."[21:53] You: Christine grows quite watching the transformation of Lorne as he calls on some inner power that only he possesses She is in awe of such power although she understand that it is only his connection to a greater source of power that permits him to be this conduit of energy. Still it is none the less impressive to watch,. softly at first then with some more energy Christine adds her own chanting sinding in lakota she prays for her brothers success and her sister's health to return Lorne" Tacante yute 'sni wan waecon Wasicun napciyunk hipi Titom iwakte agl.,....[21:55] You: (singing)[21:55] [21:58] Lorne Harlequin steps round to the other side of the couch, leaning thighs against it's back. The light in the room seems to dwindle more-so, and grow cooler. His footsteps had almost sounded like crunches, and now He removes His gloves "If you both would like to help, perhaps you ought take either of Russ' hands..." Hands bare now, He reaches forward to lay soft warm palms upon her cheeks, while the world drifts away[21:59] You: Christine steps forward and takes Russ's left hand holding it lightly in both of her's[22:00] Little Russ (russ.uxlay) closes her eyes as she feels Lorne's hands on her face, grasping Lusi's and Christine's hands tightly as she brings to breath heavily.[22:01] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) holds Russ's hand and closes her eyes to focus, sending a warming sensation through her hand to Russ to calm her[22:02] You: Christine kneels and holds her friends hands while softly chanting in Lakota a prayer of healing

22:07] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The dream is thus: Russ' mind is veiled in deep winter. Her emotions and thoughts form a thick thicket of woods all around. Through the trees, a faint glow of a campfire burns, and three soft female voices drift from the spot, "There's something out there, Apple. It's not Grandmother. Do you think..." Another voice responds, "No, no it must be her."

[22:11] You: Christine listens to what sir Lorne is saying and doing but she is also concentrating on her own prayers she is especially calling upon her bear spirit helper the one who teaches about loyalty she asks for his help now to be loyal to her friend in her time of need could her spirit helpers enter into the world of Russ’s sisters are they even on the same plane the same universe even,…Oh Grandfather please help my sister I beseech thee[22:12] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen)'s eyes remain closed as now little wisps of fire swirl around her and Russ's hands

A single tear slowly forms then falls from Christine’s moist eyes, she is afraid that her medicine is not strong enough that her spirit helpers live too far away from the reality of Russ and the city of toxian she tries to banish these doubts and

redouble her efforts to pray her way through this problem, She calls on all her spirit helpers the Buffalo spirit of pure love the eagle spirit of strength and courage the mouse spirit of honesty and humility, and the bear spirit of loyalty all of them she calls by name as she calls on the four directions and Mother moon and father sky and the grandfathers to all come and assist her now,…

[22:12] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen)'s eyes remain closed as now little wisps of fire swirl around her and Russ's hands[22:16] Lorne Harlequin looks up in the dark towards the firelight. In the dream, it seems He is the one holding Christine and Lusi's hands. He looks to Christine, and then to Lusi's fire aura, pausing a moment in admiration perhaps. Softly He speaks "Perhaps we ought declare ourselves, hm?"[22:16] 0[22:17] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *As the wind kicks up snow around the dreamers, a presence seems to join them as Christine's ancestor spirit appears, Perhaps the dream is connected to the spirit realm. Or maybe it's a dream. Movement near the campfire give away the sisters' movements. They seem to be preparing for something. reset![22:21] You: A single tear slowly forms then falls from Christine’s moist eyes, she is afraid that her medicine is not strong enough that her spirit helpers live too far away from the reality of Russ and the city of toxian she tries to banish these doubts and redouble her efforts to pray her way through this problem, She calls on all her spirit helpers the Buffalo spirit of pure love the eagle spirit of strength and courage the mouse spirit of honesty and humility, and the bear spirit of loyalty all of them she calls by name as she calls on the four directions and Mother moon and father sky and the grandfathers to all come and assist her now,…[22:31] Lorne Harlequin's hands feel as though they have become full of feathers, though they both then pull out from either girls' hand, down towards the ground with the darkenning Lorne. He's a blackish blotch against the feint glow of snow, and a black orb glimours in the fire aura around Luci. He's apparently shrunken into a raven, blinking one eye at the burning Luci, then at Christine, inbetween bouts of picking something out of His feathers with His beak. There's a sound from Him that's almost like a caw, or like He's imitating the sound of some sort of hand-crank operated wood grinding device. In the dream-logic of the situation, it's just obvious the sound means "Well, come on then." Then He's fluttered forward, off the ground towards the fire[22:34] Rev. Rollo Lovegood (rollodollo): ((night guys))[22:34] DCS 2.99.33: Lorne Harlequin OOC: night[22:34] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The snow thickens violently as something makes the storm more intense. And then they strike- the three sister converge on the group of dreamers, slowing to a halt when they see who they are. Mandarin shouts, "What the hell? What are you three doing here? Don't you kn-" No. 9 tugs on her sleave, pointing to where the campfire used to be, now an endless stretch of dark forest.
"She's coming..." Something lurks through the woods.[22:36] You: Christine continues to pray in Lakota” Ta opi ciqala ta Tarcakute tawicu Aintkala ktepi Si Maza aya awicaglipi Tasinte on akicilowanpi Wasicun wipi inya iglusaka ota “ not understanding what Sir Lorne is doing with his magic she can only pay watch wait and hope.[22:36] You: (pray) [22:42] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) focuses harder than she ever had since she got here, her hair seemingly pulses with little sparks of flames before her hair combusts into a gentle flame from root to tip, wisps of flames that had once rotated around her hands now simulate 'jumping' flames on the surface of the sun as she appears to have gone into a deep meditative state to focus on Russ and her mental state as well as her emotional state[22:43] Lorne Harlequin does not have to fly far before there is apple almost striking before Him. He flutters to a perch on her shoulder, and turns about, craning to nip at Apple's earlobe, then rooting around in her hair with the tip of her beak. He crinkles out a caw that means "What does grandmother do?"[22:47] You: Christine hears Russ mumble then shouts as if in a dream she hears Sir Lorne speak and can feel the coldness of his enchantments which is matched by the fire of Lusi aura,…she tries desperately to lend her spiritual forces to theirs but is unsure if they are listening to her or not, she closes her eyes again and concentrate on her prayers “Oh Wahkan spirits what offering would you have of me?” “Ask for all I have is yours if only you would help my sister out of her darkness” [22:51] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The dream grows darker as the snow falls heavier, the wind dieing entirely, leaving the forest of Russ' mind erriely silent save for the three dreamers and the three sisters among the trees. Apple looks to Lorne on her shoulder, "She's been wearing us down all day. Now she has us away from our camp. She'll try and drag one of us off... and that won't be good." Number 9 looks to Christine, frowning, "Christine, I understand your faith in your spirits, but we need you, now. This is an ambush, and if we fail... Russ is gone foreve-" A twig snaps away in on the forest floor in the darkness.[22:51] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The dream grows darker as the snow falls heavier, the wind dieing entirely, leaving the forest of Russ' mind erriely silent save for the three dreamers and the three sisters among the trees. Apple looks to Lorne on her shoulder, "She's been wearing us down all day. Now she has us away from our camp. She'll try and drag one of us off... and that won't be good." Number 9 looks to Christine, frowning, "Christine, I understand your faith in your spirits, but we need you, now. This is an ambush, and if we fail... Russ is gone foreve-" A twig snaps away in on the forest floor in the darkness.[22:57] You: Christine hears a voice in her head one she has never heard before say the words 'Christine, I understand your faith in your spirits, but we need you, now. This is an ambush, and if we fail... Russ is gone foreve-' This causes her to cry out and gasp in surprise and say a startle "no" "spirits helpers go to Russ's sisters camp go aid her now! she needs your assistance do now allow the Wiscus Wachicsum! get her bear spirit I call on your loyality to me as I call on you now to come and assist my sister now"[22:51] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The dream grows
darker as the snow falls heavier, the wind dieing entirely, leaving the forest of Russ' mind erriely silent save for the three dreamers and the three sisters among the trees. Apple looks to Lorne on her shoulder, "She's been wearing us down all day. Now she has us away from our camp. She'll try and drag one of us off... and that won't be good." Number 9 looks to Christine, frowning, "Christine, I understand your faith in your spirits, but we need you, now. This is an ambush, and if we fail... Russ is gone foreve-" A twig snaps away in on the forest floor in the darkness[22:57] You: Christine hears a voice in her head one she has never heard before say the words 'Christine, I understand your faith in your spirits, but we need you, now. This is an ambush, and if we fail... Russ is gone foreve-' This causes her to cry out and gasp in surprise and say a startle "no" "spirits helpers go to Russ's sisters camp go aid her now! she needs your assistance do now allow the Wiscus Wachicsum! get her bear spirit I call on your loyalty to me as I call on you now to come and assist my sister now"

[22:46] Lorne Harlequin does not have to fly far before there is apple almost striking before Him. He flutters to a perch on her shoulder, and turns about, craning to nip at Apple's earlobe, then rooting around in her hair with the tip of her beak. He crinkles out a caw that means "What does grandmother do?"[22:47] You: Christine hears Russ mumble then shouts as if in a dream she hears Sir Lorne speak and can feel the coldness of his enchantments which is matched by the fire of Lusi aura,…she tries desperately to lend her spiritual forces to theirs but is unsure if they are listening to her or not, she closes her eyes again and concentrate on her prayers “Oh Wahkan spirits what offering would you have of me?” “Ask for all I have is yours if only you would help my sister out of her darkness”[22:48]Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The dream grows darker as the snow falls heavier, the wind dieing entirely, leaving the forest of Russ' mind erriely silent save for the three dreamers and the three sisters among the trees. Apple looks to Lorne on her shoulder, "She's been wearing us down all day. Now she has us away from our camp. She'll try and drag one of us off... and that won't be good." Number 9 looks to Christine, frowning, "Christine, I understand your faith in your spirits, but we need you, now. This is an ambush, and if we fail... Russ is gone foreve-" A twig snaps away in on the forest floor in the darkness.[22:57] You: Christine hears a voice in her head one she has never heard before say the words 'Christine, I understand your faith in your spirits, but we need you, now. This is an ambush, and if we fail... Russ is gone foreve-' This causes her to cry out and gasp in surprise and say a startle "no" "spirits helpers go to Russ's sisters camp go aid her now! she needs your assistance do now allow the Wiscus Wachicsum! get her bear spirit I call on your loyalty to me as I call on you now to come and assist my sister now"[[22:59] DCS 2.99.33: Russ Uxlay OOC: Protip: Lorne's spell put you all in MY head. You are the dreamers.[23:03] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) is at last able to open her eyes in the dream due to her aura having reached its heightened state -- in the form of a wolf who's fur appears to be on fire -- she moves towards the others and looks around, sniffing at the air cautiously[23:06] You: Christine knows she did that all wrong that one does not command spirits as a slave does not command the master, but she is in a desperate state of fear, fear for her sister and for losing her teacher and friend she concentrates now with all her inner force with her entire Naga-spirit she tries to form it into one single call for help and focus all her concentration of mind and spirit upon the brief mind picture she glimpsed of a dark forest camp as the point of where to begin. Suddenly she is there seeing the same glen the same dark forest as what was just shown to her but this time it feels real or maybe unreal as if in a dream she see figures near a fire not far away but they do not seem to see her she also see a raven sitting on the shoulder of a girl that looks like Russ she gets up and tries to approach the figures[23:10] Lorne Harlequin lowers His beak, growing less animate, as He reaches outward with His perception through the trees, and through the dark, "Slippery shadows" it's not a caw. His beak points east, then west, looking for where it might come "You ought join hands, yes?" Beak clip clapping, there seems to be a bit of string hanging out that was not there a moment ago[23:15] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *Apple reaches up and takes the string, seeming to understand as she waves the sisters over to her and binds their left hands together. They then turn outward in a tight circle, like a fan. Mandarin smiles brightly at Lusi, "Oh don't let Russ know you can do that, she'll hound you to death for you to teach her!" The girls share a brief giggle before a voice echoes through the trees, an older female voice full of menace, "This is unexpected. Oh well, more food for our pet." The darkness grows thick- there's something in the shadows.[23:16] Christine Drachios As I approach through the snow I see’s coming out of the mist a wolf that glows red flames she hears a bird cry but understands the words telling to to form a circle and join hands without wondering why she obeys and looks to reach out for the nearest hand to grasp just as she hears this menacing voice[23:17] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) perks up her ears at Mandarin and grins wolfishly, moving close to her to nuzzle at Mandarin's leg, then whips her head in the direction of voice and snarls loudly[23:22] Christine Drachios I feel winters icy blast as the wind blow my hair back off my face, whatever is opposing us comes quickly on and is nearly upon us now, without any visible weapons I grasp one of Russ’s hand and one of what I believe to be her sisters and look into the darkness waiting for whatever demon it is to appear and show itself[23:23] Lorne Harlequin grins at the dark somehow, even little teeth forming in the oddly reshaping beak, before it shifts again back to a typical Raven beak. He hops about, facing the other way on Apple's shoulder, falling forward, and flapping a circle round the three sisters, and Christine, diving towards a path between the front and back legs of the Lusi fire wolf[23:23] Lorne Harlequin: *, trailing out a growing length of long black string, wet, and clinging.
[23:25] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *A sizzling noise cracks beyond the trees, followed moments later by a bolt of lightning that flies through the group, but not aimed to hit- only to distract for the looming humaniod shadow that materializes behind the bolts path. The creature sprints on long legs towards the circle of sisters, raising a clawed hand to strick at them.[23:30] You: Christine looks down as see’s a small mouse moving through the snow she quickly lets go of russ’s hand reached down picks it up and quickly place it in her pocket then “Now I have truth on our side “ she says as she quickly graps russ’s hand again[23:33] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen)'s voice rang out into the air but her jaws wouldn't move, "protect them at all costs, does anyone have a plan???", as one of the claws comes near Mandarin she would snap at it in hopes of latching onto it and keep a hold[23:36] You: Christine hears a eagle cry and looks up to see the shape of a giant golden Eagle fly overheard immediately she is not afraid and shouts at the creature with the clawed hands, “Hokahey! You can not harm us Demon as we form a circle of power You will give us your name Tell us who you are coward for tonight you shall be cast back from where you came You can not harm us! And you can not have my sister! You hear me Demon WHAT IS YOUR NAME!”[23:37] Lorne Harlequin loops up, and back down around to wrap the fire wolf round the middle, nearly ditching into the snow as lightning bites close to His path. He loops round, through the wolf's legs the second time, skidding just the slightest bit on the snow. He caws something that sound like an ardent croak of the phrase "Hold the string, and do not let go! Not even if you die!"me Demon WHAT IS YOUR NAME!”[23:51] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) looks at the Raven with the string below her and offers a paw as her voice rings out again to it, "tie it to me, don't want it to catch fire", snarls at the shadow and takes in a deep breath before letting out a howl of flames equivilant to that of a high power flame thrower towards the shadow[23:52] Lorne Harlequin whips nearly straight upward in the air, tightening string upon Lusi's belly. He skwawks repeatedly in a way that sounds quite like laughter "You're already dead, girls. Remember? Contract is a contract..." then dropping through a loop under No. 9's arm, and round.[23:55] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *Apple grimaces as she looks up at the completed glyph, "Russ must be dreaming with us." Her sisters hold her up as the clearing becomes illuminated by the glyph overhead, causing the shadow to lose some of its focus. It wheels around to face the charging sound of the spirit buffalo as the animal slams into its side, sending in careening
with little control- right into Lusi's gout of flame. The crone seems to have shut up.[23:57] You: Christine watches as the Buffalo spirit lowers it’s horns and attempts to gore the demon just as it is being blasted by the flaming breath of the firewolf as the two come together there is a great sound that of bone and hoofs claws and flame all coming together also the screams holy and unholy of spirits in pain all this happening within a few feet of where they are standing [23:52] Lorne Harlequin whips nearly straight upward in the air, tightening string upon Lusi's belly. He skwawks repeatedly in a way that sounds quite like laughter "You're already dead, girls. Remember? Contract is a contract..." then dropping through a loop under No. 9's arm, and round.[23:55] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *Apple grimaces as she looks up at the completed glyph, "Russ must be dreaming with us." Her sisters hold her up as the clearing becomes illuminated by the glyph overhead, causing the shadow to lose some of its focus. It wheels around to face the charging sound of the spirit buffalo as the animal slams into its side, sending in careening with little control- right into Lusi's gout of flame. The crone seems to have shut up.[23:57] You: Christine watches as the Buffalo spirit lowers it’s horns and attempts to gore the demon just as it is being blasted by the flaming breath of the firewolf as the two come together there is a great sound that of bone and hoofs claws and flame all coming together also the screams holy and unholy of spirits in pain all this happening within a few feet of where they are standing [00:05] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) kept close to Mandarin as the she planned her next move, watching the buffalo and the shadow creature battle it out [00:07] You: The Great Buffalo gores the demon with it’s horns even as it’s thick coated fur erupts in flames it continues to trample the demon with it’s sharp hooves and plow Into it repeatedly with it’s large horned head as flames envelope it almost completely Christine watches horrified tears streaming down her face, the Buffalo represent pure love to her it’s like watching her own mother burn to death in front of her, she is beside herself in sorrow but continues to hold onto Russ’s sisters hands, keeping the circle complete[00:16] Lorne Harlequin takes a loop round Apple's waist, and winds the string round Mandarin's shoulders, dropping to His feet in the snow before Christine. He hops. He hops. Hops past the front of her robe's skirt tails, and out the back, then flapping up to her shoulder. Shifting the angle of His head abruptly several times He gestures the string at Christine several times, before draping it over her ear "Beg for no death. Ask to leave the beast vulnerable."[00:18] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) kept at Mandarin's side, hearing Lorne speak to Christine and waits[00:19] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The Shadow staggers as it tries to recover, the dream's night seeming to grow just an ounce lighter, as if taking a step towards dawn. A great flapping of feathers is heard overhead as Grandmother finally shows herself- a great owl, clad in a ragged robe, with her elderly human face where the owl's should be. She glares down at them, Russ' glyph snapping apart under her gaze, allowing the shadow to reform itself and brush the buffalo from it. You: The bloody fight in front of her has Christine mesmerized and she doesn’t react to the string on her ear put the mouse in her pocket climbs out and craws up her dress grabbing a hold of it. Christine looks up at the birds above her finally pulling herself away form the steaming dead bull lying in the snow just a few short few from her, in the distance she hears a growl of a large grizzly bear and the crunch of snow as something lumbers towards them [00:34] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The Shadow prepares to strike at the group of girls on the ground, but darts its attention towards Lorne as he takes flight, sending out the shadows like hands grasping in vain. Grandmother, rather than take flight, flaps her wings, the reality of the dream quaking outward from her.[00:39] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) sees the shadow redirecting it's attack towards Lorne, letting loose another howl of flames towards the shadow to distract it[00:43] You: As Lusi the Fire wolf again strikes at the shadow with flaming breath, a giant Grizzle bear emerges out of the misty forest it charges towards the shadow growling out it’s attach call Christine recognizes the last of her spirit helpers the east spirit coming to her aid, Thank you Tunkasila she says thank you grandfather for helping me[00:43] Lorne Harlequin manages to plant His Raven claws round Grandma's head, turning His eyes over His back towards the circle the other girls have kept. The string then catches up, and loops a web of black gloss around grandma. Where Lorne looks down from grandmother, the line of the string looks quite similar to the glyph Russ had drawn in the air, though only lines, not symbols...and suddenly specific portions of the string burst with tendrils of black that curl into writing. Lorne has to turn His face away from the glare that suddenly explodes from the circle of girls[00:46] Little Russ (russ.uxlay): *The shadow and Grandmother seem to realize Lorne's trick just as it completes, she shielding her eyes with a wing, while the shadow tries to retreat into the forest. Which would have worked, had a bear not been in the way, waiting to bat the shadow back into the clearing, into Lusi' fire, and into the illuminated effect of Lorne's glyph. When the flash-blinging clears, the shadow seems to have disipated entirely, or is at least unable to manifest.[00:49] You: Christine bear stops it's charge when the shadow disappears it paces around the circle sniffing and snorting the air looking with it's nose for any sign of it's foe as it walks around the group finding nothing more it stays for a few moments then turns and wanders back into the forest[00:52] Ⓣⓤⓡⓛⓤⓢⓘⓝⓔ (turlus.rexen) stops her howl and surveys the situation, grinning widely and wolfishly at the disappearance of the shadow before looking seriously up at grandmother[00:53] a point sorry you all deserve more but that is all I got[00:54] [00:56] You: Christine falls over in a faint either out of exhaustion or from the emotional and spiritial drain the experience has had on her one moment she was aware of being in the forest the next she is kneeling next to russ holding her hand and then she is looking up at the ceiling falling everything going dark