Ignis is infected by Wynn (dragon's blood)

Ingis Darkfire

(After Sparring in the Arena)

[19:00] Christine Drachios: I think we would have gone all night

[19:00] Ignis Darkfire psh you wore ME out

[19:00] Ignis Darkfire chuckles

[19:00] DCS2 2.99.12: Circe Seorn meditates

[19:00] Christine Drachios: no you you wore me out

[19:01] Ignis Darkfire smirks, "...fine I did.."
[19:01] Ignis Darkfire: Ah chooo!

[19:01] Christine Drachios: I never quit but my sword arm felt like it was going to drop off

[19:01] Ignis Darkfire rubs his nose

[19:01] Papagaio Solo "God bless "

[19:01] Ignis Darkfire "All this dust everywhere..."

[19:01] Christine Drachios: good fight thanks

[19:01] Ignis Darkfire: Good fight Sister
[19:02] Ignis Darkfire shrugs, "NEXT!!"

[19:02] Circe Seorn cloeses her eyes and focuses, a lightning bolt striking down near Iggy.

[19:02] Unathia Noel: Pertty good there, sister.

[19:02] Ignis Darkfire: Eep!

[19:02] Papagaio Solo laughs "Think is Circe no" looks at circe

[19:02] Christine Drachios: Thank you Una as I wipe the sweat poring down my face

[19:02] Circe Seorn smirks and drops down. "My turn then.."

[19:03] DCS2 2.99.12: Circe Seorn was defeated by Ignis Darkfire

[19:03] Unathia Noel: Awww....Circe fall down go boom?

[19:03] Circe Seorn apparently face plants onto the ground

[19:03] Ignis Darkfire coughs, "Ummmm....watch your step?"

[19:03] Papagaio Solo chuckles from up "Thats what i call determination"

[19:04] Circe Seorn groans out "Cheap...shot..."

[19:05] Ignis Darkfire frowns, "I'm sorry"

[19:05] Circe Seorn grumbles and mumbles inchoriently

[19:05] Ignis Darkfire looks ot Christine, "OHHH now you Heal...sheesh"

[19:06] Unathia Noel stands up and tries to poke Circe with a stick.
[19:06] Unathia Noel jumps back when she stands up. "Oh." giggles

[19:06] Circe Seorn lights the stick on fire after getting up

[19:07] Papagaio Solo shakes his head "Im hearing voices now"

[19:07] Christine Drachios: must have been a hell of a hit

[19:07] Circe Seorn look over at Iggy and shoots a fire bolt his way in spite.

[19:07] Christine Drachios: instant reply

[19:08] Ignis Darkfire is shot and is wounded severely, "Ugh......Sister....?" he drops to the ground

[19:08] Ignis Darkfire starts to bleed rapidly

[19:09] Papagaio Solo stands up "Dam " stares at Ignis laying down"

[19:09] Circe Seorn looks down at him and sighs, "Oh come on, it didn't hurt that bad..." Sees the blood, "Ah crap." She sighed, putting her gun away and puts her hand to his back, using her energy to try and mend him up.

[19:10] Ignis Darkfire remains quiet. Only the wind in his hair moves

[19:10] Papagaio Solo scratches his head "Ignis had more blood in him then the vampires bath"

[19:10] Christine Drachios: someone call a doctor

[19:10] Circe Seorn's eyes widen a bit, swallowing hard. "Fuck.." She focused more, "C'mon brother.. no more games... I'm sorry."

[19:10] Unathia Noel: Iggy?

[19:11] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is purified
[19:11] Papagaio Solo "Let me see what i can do "

[19:12] Lieva Whitesong looks in from the side, inquisitivly, keeping her distance

[19:12] Papagaio Solo "Hey there paine...and devereux"

[19:13] Devereux Draconia "..........."

[19:14] Christine Drachios: oh shit you did a number on him are you able to hear me Ignis?

[19:14] Papagaio Solo perks a brow at Devereux and "............"

[19:15] Unathia Noel: Someone take him to the hospital!

[19:15] Christine Drachios: let me try if I can

[19:15] Devereux Draconia frowns staring down at Ignis.

[19:15] Papagaio Solo "We have the vet near by" chuckles "Okay okay is not the same.

[19:15] Lieva Whitesong looks over at the one called ignis taking note of it, watching them carefuly and the giant puddle of blood.

[19:16] Promises Paine miles, "Hi everyone." walks over to Iggy's limp body and tries to nudge him with her boot, "I'm thinking we can make a deal with his human flesh. Since he's a gonner." grinning big and wide, "Do nekos eat human flesh?"

[19:16] Devereux Draconia " no one eats Ignis! " growls.

[19:16] Circe Seorn's eyes sparked as she looked to Paine. "Not funny." She growled out

[19:16] Lieva Whitesong the blood leaves her face as she hears them say that. moving quickly to the pole on the other side to try and hide

[19:16] Christine Drachios: come on bro lets go to the hospital

[19:17] Papagaio Solo "Guess its better for us to lead the way there"

[19:17] Promises Paine looks down to hide her laughter, "What was he hurt in a training exercise?"

[19:18] Lieva Whitesong pops her head out from the pole, watching them interact, carefuly watching the man in the middle

[19:18] Circe Seorn murmurs, "I threw a fireball at him... I guess I put too much behind it.."

[19:18] Papagaio Solo sighs "Nah Circe had the idea to shoot him"

[19:18] Ignis Darkfire is carried by Christine

[19:18] Christine Drachios: lead the way

(In the Hospital on the operating table)

[19:23] Ignis Darkfire lays on the table lifeless with a baseball sized hole through his chest

[19:23] Christine Drachios: please Ignis don't die on us

[19:24] Devereux Draconia lowers her head and wipes the tears from her eyes.

[19:25] Unathia Noel starts wrapping bandages around Ignis. "Here. Put pressure on his wound. I'm gonna start an IV"

[19:25] Christine Drachios: I press on the bandages trying to stop the blood flow

[19:25] Devereux Draconia rolls up her sleeve " You .. need human blood right?"

[19:26] Unathia Noel pulls out a blood bad, tasting it to make sure it's clean and free of diseases. Sticks the needle in and starts a blood drip.

[19:27] Ignis Darkfire lays on the table with no life signs
19:28] Christine Drachios: What are we going to do is there not a healer around?

[19:29] Papagaio Solo walks in the" butchery "

[19:29] Unathia Noel types into her phone. "Healer to the hospital. Now!"

[19:29] Christine Drachios: yea it was a good shot. Anything you can do for him papa?

[19:30] Papagaio Solo frowns "YEs i think i can try to give him some of my energy"

[19:30] Christine Drachios I very worried and tears are starting to gather in my eyes "please tell me he is going to be alright"

[19:30] Unathia Noel: If we get a werewolf in here, we could give Iggy his blood to kick start the healing.

[19:30] Papagaio Solo focus on his energy is aura became visible as his wings

[19:31] Devereux Draconia " giving iggy wolf blood will turn him into one"

[19:31] DCS2 2.99.12: Papagaio Solo uses thier prayer
[19:31] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is purified

[19:31] Christine Drachios: OK I'll go and find one needs to be a pure werewolf or part I can run to the continum see if any of them can come

[19:32] Papagaio Solo breaths heavly "There... lets see how he reacts"

[19:32] Unathia Noel: Well, hell. I could turn him too. But it's better than him dying. But that is a last resort.

[19:32] Devereux Draconia " don't do that.. you'll turn him into a wolve if you put wolf blood in him. unless that's what he wants.."
[19:32] Devereux Draconia " I am human.. he can have my blood."

[19:33] Ignis Darkfire 's body is lifted into the air and and the hole in
chest slowly being to close but not completely

[19:33] Christine Drachios: Tell me if I need to go I'll run over there right now
[19:33] Christine Drachios: better wolf than dead

[19:33] Papagaio Solo nods to Devereux "YEs Deve is human she might be compatible "

[19:34] Devereux Draconia " Yes a wolf's blood can heal his wounds.. but he will turn into a wolf.. I don't think Ignis will be happy to find that out.."

[19:35] Christine Drachios: Tears are flowing freely down my cheeks I sobbing quitely to myself I don't want my brother to die

[19:36] Papagaio Solo sighs "Oh well let me try to give him another boost"

[19:36] DCS2 2.99.12: Papagaio Solo uses thier prayer
[19:36] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is purified

[19:37] Devereux Draconia " I don't mind wolves.. but I learned at the library books that when a human is turned wolf.. they become bloodlustful and attack anyone around.

[19:37] Christine Drachios: I'm going I'll find me a werewolf if he don't need one fine but if he does we better have one on hand better a wolf than a dead man

[19:37] Unathia Noel shivers as she bends over his body, her tongue attempting to close the wound on his chest. Blinks when she is partway through. "Shit. Church! Iggy has special blood that could help!"

[19:37] Ignis Darkfire 's wound is finally closes. His body is still pale due to the lack of blood

[19:38] Devereux Draconia frowns at christine " do you realize what you'll do to him christine? You think he wants that?"

[19:38] Christine Drachios: but I don't want him to die!
[19:38] Christine Drachios: Is he going to live papa tell me the truth

[19:38] Devereux Draconia " but you want him to attack randomly innocent people?!"

[19:39] Christine Drachios: I don't care we will deal with that later he have to make it thru the night (someone wake the doctor up)

[19:40] Devereux Draconia " you don't care about the innocent in this city? Well that not very rightous don't you think!"
[19:40] Devereux Draconia " that's being selfish christine.." shakes her head.

[19:41] Unathia Noel growls. "Run over to the church! Find some blood in a glass jar. Bring it here! It could help

[19:41] Circe Seorn walks in quietly, keeping silent and watching.

[19:41] Christine Drachios: I do care but I care right now about Ignis and he needs to survive and if that is what it takes we have to do it
[19:41] Christine Drachios: Ok I do that

[19:41] Devereux Draconia " where is it located the blood in a jar?"

[19:41] Unathia Noel adds a second blood bag to the IV as well as saline.
[19:42] Unathia Noel thinks. "Uhhh...he was in the wheelchair when he had it last. Look in the office. or the confessional.

[19:42] Christine Drachios: If I can just find the stupid exit

[19:43] Unathia Noel: Ok. Did you both watch how I put in the IV? Do you think you can do it if needed?

[19:44] Ignis Darkfire 's wound has been heal along with his lungs and heart which starts to beat again but is beginning to slow down

[19:44] Devereux Draconia nods " yes.."

[19:44] Gnocca Ghost pants as she arrives at the hospital "came to help what is going on?"

[19:45] Unathia Noel puts her head on his chest and grins. "I hear a faint heartbeat"

[19:45] Devereux Draconia eyes widen " oh?!":

[19:45] Circe Seorn glances up to Gnocca and nods over her shoudler, "I almost killed someone again.." She whispered and started for the door

[19:46] Unathia Noel: But it's fading again. We need to- Gno! Get your beautiful angel ass in here"

[19:47] Gnocca Ghost blushes and hover near IGnis and Una"what happen?"

[19:47] Unathia Noel: Are you up to some healing, babycakes? Ignis isn't doing so hot.

[19:48] Gnocca Ghost frowns "only if you stop calling me baby whatever" glances Ignis and close her eyes praying

[19:48] Christine Drachios: I found a decorated jar with crimson fluid in it is this it?

[19:48] Unathia Noel holds her hand out for the jar.

[19:48] Christine Drachios: I run in handing the jar over to the nurse

[19:49] Gnocca Ghost open her eyes become from dark to a deep blue

[19:49] Ignis Darkfire 's hearts starts to beat again but with little blood to pump. He lays unconscious and still pale

[19:49] Christine Drachios: Is he going to be alright?

[19:50] Gnocca Ghost glances his wounds "i can heal some most the ones that are tainted and internal damage...but he will stil some bandages"

[19:50] DCS2 2.99.12: Gnocca Ghost heals Ignis Darkfire

[19:50] Unathia Noel sniffs the jar and nods. "Yeah. This is it." pours the blood into the iv and squeezes the bag, pushing it in faster.
[19:51] Unathia Noel: Thank you Christine. *watches Ignis carefully*

[19:51] Gnocca Ghost atempts to embraces you protectively with her wings.

[19:53] Unathia Noel: I don't wanna have to do this. *looks around the room for a defibulator* But may have to jumpstart his heart into a normal rhythm.

[19:53] Devereux Draconia lowers her head not wanting to see.

[19:54] Unathia Noel puts her ear on his chest again and shakes her head. "Damn"
[19:55] Unathia Noel pulls the defibulator cart over putting patches on Ignis skin like the diagram shows. She pushes a button, a quiet female voice states out of the machine. "Charging. Please stand back."
[19:57] Unathia Noel the defibulator voice states again. "Shocking. Please do not touch the patient" the machine automatically puts the correct amount of voltage through Iggy to hopefully put his heart into a normal rhythm.

[19:58] Ignis Darkfire 's blood stream is mixed with Wyvern's Blood which will flush out of his system in a couple days. The mixed Blood will increase his blood regenation. He is then shocked with the two pannels and Gasps with his jaw wide open, "AHHHH!!!" he wakes up

[19:58] Unathia Noel steps over to put her ear to his chest again and is surprised, screaming herself. "Ahhhhh....Iggy!"

[19:59] Unathia Noel pulls the electrodes off of his chest, trying not to pull off chest hair.

[20:00] Ignis Darkfire eyes are crimson red. A sideaffect of the Wyverns Blood, ".....Una....?"

[20:00] Gnocca Ghost smiles and removes the wings from him "seems all fine again...maybe some more cures will make him fine"

[20:02] Unathia Noel grabs a few blood packs for herself and starts to head toward the door. "I'll be back. I'm gonna tell Circe you are awake"

[20:02] Ignis Darkfire frowns feeling his bloodboil, "Ahhh!!! It burns!!" he blood cells multiply
[20:02] Ignis Darkfire looks around, "Where am I?"

[20:03] Devereux Draconia " you in the hospital.."

[20:04] Ignis Darkfire looks furious, "Why what happened?" he touches his chest which was still a little tender

[20:04] Circe Seorn makes her way back in, quietly, wincing a bit hearing Ig.

[20:04] Devereux Draconia frowns " I don't know I arrived to the area a little late.. you were covered in blood with a hole in your chest "

[20:04] Lieva Whitesong sees the man on the bed, carefuly staying behind circe, not shivering as much... but still a little.

[20:05] Ignis Darkfire skin color returns back to normal. He snarls

[20:06] Circe Seorn's hand shakes a bit against the kitty's head, slowly stepping backwards

[20:07] Devereux Draconia sighs heavily before shaking.

[20:08] Lieva Whitesong purrs a little calmly , staying near circe, keeping her self careful away from the man on the table

[20:09] Ignis Darkfire crotches to his feet on the table sniffing the air. He turn to around and sees Circe, "You....LOSER!!!" he leaps at her

[20:09] Lieva Whitesong turns pale white as he jumps at the circe, she turns and starts to run away from them mews loudly

[20:09] Christine Drachios: Ignis get back on the bed are you crazyt

[20:10] Circe Seorn's eyes widened not expecting it and is knocked back, sliding across the floor into the wall, "F--" She cringes

[20:10] Christine Drachios: You need to get your ass back on that bed mister NOW!

[20:10] Ignis Darkfire starts clawing madly at her, "YOU KILLED ME!!!! YOU KILLED ME!!!!"

[20:11] Christine Drachios: what the fuck you want to open those wounds up again lay down now

[20:11] Lieva Whitesong her heart starts beating loudly watching as the man hurts the woman, her eyes widening she curls into a ball ont he floor starting to cry

[20:11] Christine Drachios: Did you not hear me get in there now and lay down you are going to kill yourself you big dummy running around like this

[20:12] Christine Drachios: You just been shot for god sakes
[20:12] Christine Drachios: SO LAY DOWN!

[20:12] Ignis Darkfire 's body burns with rage feeling the Wyverns blood Boiling in him

[20:13] Circe Seorn tried to push him off, crying out, "I'm sorry! It was an acc--" She couldn't speak while getting attacked, refusing to use her magic to defend herself

[20:14] Unathia Noel: Oh. Hey. You are up.

[20:14] Christine Drachios I watch as Ingis eyes turn red looks like he was given some werewolf blood while I was gone I try to hold him back

[20:14] Ignis Darkfire would push Christine away to give him enought room to bite into Circe's left shoulder, "RAAAWR!!!" chomp!

[20:15] Unathia Noel grumbles. "He was given Wyvern blood. Take care of him ladies"

[20:15] Christine Drachios: Get ready to run Circe

[20:15] Lieva Whitesong starts rocking her self as she hears ignis growl out, her body starting to shake and shiver, she sobs loudly.

[20:15] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios closed in on Ignis Darkfire

[20:15] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is knocked down

[20:15] Christine Drachios: ok go now

[20:15] Circe Seorn screams in pain, still trying to get him off, trying to take advantage of the attack to move away if she could

[20:16] Christine Drachios: move circe go!
[20:16] Christine Drachios: Circe hello run away please
[20:16] Christine Drachios: thank you

[20:16] Unathia Noel shakes her head. "I'm afraid we have a bit of a problem. You know what wyvern blood does to someone?"

[20:16] Ignis Darkfire uses his leg to trip Christine then chases after Circe

[20:16] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire closed in on Christine Drachios
[20:16] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios is knocked down

[20:19] Ignis Darkfire sniffs the air and enters the dance studio

[20:19] Christine Drachios: Ignis dear stop

[20:20] Ignis Darkfire snarls

[20:20] Circe Seorn curls up, whimpering in pain

[20:21] Ignis Darkfire slowly creeps towards Circe foaming at the mouth

[20:21] Christine Drachios: stay back my brother

[20:22] Christine Drachios: I want you and I to go to the church together leave this one be

[20:22] Circe Seorn hears the sound and pushes herself back up against the wall

[20:23] Ignis Darkfire eyes are fixed on Circe he growls and lunges forward not caring about Christine

[20:23] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios closed in on Ignis Darkfire
[20:23] Circe Seorn screams and tries to roll out of the way, "Ig s-s-stop!"

[20:23] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is knocked down

[20:24] Christine Drachios: Ignis I love you please don't
[20:24] Christine Drachios: I don't want to hurt you anymore please stop

[20:25] Ignis Darkfire leaps at Circe but is pulled back by by Christine he start crawling toward Circe not going to give up unless he was knocked out

[20:25] Christine Drachios: Ignis please go back to the hospital

[20:26] Circe Seorn looks up to Christine, "He's not going to listen, he's lost contro--"

[20:27] Christine Drachios: run circe

[20:28] Circe Seorn gets up and grabs onto Christine's arm, trying to drag her with her, "C'mon!

[20:30] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire(+stun)

[20:30] Christine Drachios: he's coming out

[20:30] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is knocked down
[20:30] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire Absorbs the attack!

(Follows Circe to the Hotel)

[20:32] Circe Seorn: "Oh shit.."
[20:32] Ignis Darkfire snarls

[20:34] Circe Seorn breathes heavily looking around. "Fuuck.." Bowing to catch her breath
[20:36] Circe Seorn comes up to take a peek if it was clear and backs up, "Oh.. fu.."

[20:38] Christine Drachios: Ok Ingis that's enought fun for tonight
[20:38] Christine Drachios: get ready to run Circe

[20:38] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios closed in on Ignis Darkfire
[20:38] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is knocked down
[20:38] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire (+stun)

[20:38] Light Sharktooth: Shut up bitch
[20:38] Christine Drachios: go

[20:39] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire bombards the area

[20:39] Light Sharktooth chuckles looking at the girl hitting ig "Fuck you. Don't hurt mah bro."

[20:39] Light Sharktooth growls "Why not she's hurting ig.

[20:39] DCS2 2.99.12: Light Sharktooth closed in on Christine Drachios
[20:39] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios is knocked down
[20:39] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios (+stun)
[20:39] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios Has been Defeated
[20:39] DCS2 2.99.12: Christine Drachios was defeated by Ignis Darkfire

[20:39] Circe Seorn: "He's lost his fucking mind!"

[20:39] Circe Seorn looks over and eyes widen, "Christine!"
[20:39] Light Sharktooth chuckles "Yer fucking lying.

[20:39] Ignis Darkfire comes after Light

[20:40] Light Sharktooth growls loudly watching ig
[20:40] Ignis Darkfire snarls with Rage
[20:40] Circe Seorn: "Told you!"

[20:40] Light Sharktooth: What's wrong with him?
[20:40] DCS2 2.99.12: Light Sharktooth closed in on Ignis Darkfire
[20:40] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire is knocked down
[20:40] DCS2 2.99.12: Ignis Darkfire lets out a powerful blast at Light Sharktooth
[20:40] DCS2 2.99.12: Light Sharktooth winces in pain
[20:40] DCS2 2.99.12: Light Sharktooth was defeated by Ignis Darkfire

[20:41] Light Sharktooth coughs up some blood as he's defeated laughing loudly

[20:41] Circe Seorn moved to help the two but is stop short, taking off running again

[20:42] Light Sharktooth growls laying on the ground coughing a little "Better hope I don't get up first."

(At the top of the Hotel)

[20:43] Circe Seorn skids to a halt at the edge and turns around slowly
[20:43] Light Sharktooth howls loudly as he falls to the floor

[20:44] Ignis Darkfire tilts his head looking at Circe blankly. His body covered gashes, "you killed me... you Killed me! YOU KILLED ME!!!"

[20:45] Circe Seorn put her hand over her badly bleeing bite mark, wincing in pain since running made the wound worse. "I'm s-s-sorry! It was an Accident, Iggy please! I swear!" She stared at him pleadingly

[20:47] Ignis Darkfire starts to shake arching his back as if getting ready to spit out a fireball...

[20:48] Circe Seorn's eyes widened and she backed up, forgetting about the edge and slipping over. She screams and falls shortly before grasping onto the edge of it in time

[20:50] Ignis Darkfire steps over the ledge looking done at Circe. He takess a deep breath. His eyes still filled with rage. He blast an HUGE LOOGEY BALL OF SPIT all over Circe. He rawrs

[20:52] Circe Seorn expecte the worse and cringed waiting for it before she got hit with a loogey. She cringed and stared up at him, thinking that was the worst, she pulled herself up with enough strength to try an grasp onto his leg

[20:56] Ignis Darkfire lets out maddened yell, then looks down at Circe. He honestly thought he blew a fireball from his mouth and let his guard down

[20:57] Circe Seorn close her eyes since the sound hurt her ears as she tried to pull herself back up using his leg as a way to do so. "Brother..." She trie again, "Stop..." As she spoke, the glyphs around her arms flared and turned a bright red

[20:59] Ignis Darkfire jumps back surprised his prey was getting up. He paces in anticipation growling

[21:00] Circe Seorn pushes herself up slowly, wavering. Not using her powers was drawing on her as she looked to him. She steppe closer to him, looking him in the eye, "Iggy, snap out of it.."

[21:03] Ignis Darkfire give on last snarl then hold his stomach. He groans, "UGH!!" he falls to the ground clentching his stomach with was slowly being eaten away from starvation burning almost all of his reserves

[21:04] Christine Drachios: it's OK brother I'll carry you back to the chruch

[21:05] Circe Seorn kneels down, looking him directly in the eye, "You're not going to try and claw me again are you...?" she watched the way he acted, pulling a small candy bar out of her pocket and presenting it before him

[21:06] Ignis Darkfire would bite the hand that tries and feeds him then winches in pain from starvation

[21:07] Circe Seorn pulled back her hand quickly and threw the candy bar at him. She looked to Christine, "Give him a few to get his mind back.. he needs food."

[21:09] Ignis Darkfire curls up into a little ball of pain, stomach hurting, muscle acking, adrenaline wearing off. He lets out a whiny wail sounding like a cat
[21:09] Ignis Darkfire: Meooooowwww!!

[21:10] Christine Drachios: Oh ok I'm trying Ignis looking madly for some food

[21:11] Christine Drachios: Here I find a old chocolate bunny from easter in a forgotten pocket of my jacket

[21:11] Christine Drachios: Happy Easter now eat and don't get hyper on us

[21:12] Circe Seorn just blinks and stares, "Did... did you just pull a chocolate rabbit..." She looked to him, "Fuck it give it to him."

[21:13] Christine Drachios: Yes I pulled a chocolate bunny out of my,... well never mind here

[21:13] Ignis Darkfire snarls and gets up on all fours and eats it on the ground

[21:14] Circe Seorn quickly makes a grab to try and break off some of the rabbit's ear, hopping up,"I got anidea..." She wiggled the chocolate goodness, "Cmon Iggy.."

[21:16] Ignis Darkfire sniffs the air after licking his lips and and sees Circe waving more chocolate. He glares at her and slowly makes his way to her keeping his distance

[21:16] Circe Seorn moved backwards slowly, keeping the chocolate in view as she made her way to the hospital.

(Heads back to the Hospital)

[21:22] Christine Drachios: Like I was staying what's it going to take to make you stop

[21:22] Christine Drachios: I got some more chocolate back at the church want some yummie yummie chocolate?

[21:23] Christine Drachios: oooh so rich and creamy I bet you do don't you

[21:24] Ignis Darkfire sniffs the air smelling the chocolate here.....upstairs. He makes his way up like a gorilla

[21:24] Christine Drachios: No Ignis in the church I got it there

[21:26] Ignis Darkfire finds Circe with more chocolate

[21:27] Christine Drachios: Oh look what I got a big box of chocolate
[21:27] Christine Drachios: you want some big fella

[21:29] Christine Drachios: Here have a seat and I'll give them to you if you behave
[21:29] Christine Drachios: There now that is a good boy
[21:30] Christine Drachios: this one has a cherry inside here you go watch the fingers
[21:30] Christine Drachios I hand him a chocolate cherry

[21:31] Ignis Darkfire greedily mouths the chocolate

[21:32] Christine Drachios: oooh that's good isn't it, Ok this one is Mazapan that's a good one you'll like it careful of the fingers now

[21:32] Circe Seorn slipped inside the cell and quietly throws the last big chunk of chocolate right in plain sight but quite a ways into the cell

[21:33] Ignis Darkfire dashes for the chocolates

[21:33] Christine Drachios: Oh that's a good Ignis good boy you wanna some more hon

[21:34] Circe Seorn waits for the right moment for him to be inside...

[21:34] Christine Drachios: Ok ok here you go in there boy all the chocolate you could want
[21:34] Christine Drachios: no wait till the door closes there you go finally

[21:34] Circe Seorn quickly slams the door shut behind him, "GOTCHA!" And drives towards him to tackle him.

[21:35] Christine Drachios: Circe I hope your not on the othe side of the door
[21:35] Christine Drachios: OMG girl your suppose to be on this side

[21:35] Circe Seorn yells, "Part of the plan, roll with it!"

[21:35] Christine Drachios: don't know which one is crazier

[21:37] Ignis Darkfire is tackle and smashes his face into some marzapan. He snarls opening mouth. the marzapan falls into his mouth. He lets out a musical "♫MmmMMmmm♫" he falls on all fours

[21:38] Circe Seorn had in hand a straight jacket and she woul go to put it on him, stopping momentairly to sigh, "Why are all the guys in the Righteous insane..." She muttered, trying to take opputunity of the situation to get the jacket on him.

[21:40] Ignis Darkfire is taken by surprised. He upper torso now can't move. He is in a state of constant HUGS

[21:43] Circe Seorn sighs relaxing a bit seeing the jacket on him and takes a step back, "I'm out of chocolate Iggy, sorry.." she started to look around, moving towards the otherside of the cell to grab a pair of bindings, "Just keep calm brother..."

[21:43] Steel Cord Bindings: Ignis Darkfire has been bound by Circe Seorn

[21:44] Christine Drachios: you need any help

[21:45] Ignis Darkfire wriggles glaring at Circe

[21:45] Steel Cord Bindings: Ignis Darkfire wiggles helplessly in their bindings.

[21:45] Circe Seorn finishes tieing him up and sighs heavily, "There.. it's safe Christine.. I got him."

[21:47] Christine Drachios: Well that was quit a stuggle

[21:48] Circe Seorn slumps a bit, "You're telling me..." she looked to her shoulder at the barely scabbing bite wound.

[21:48] Christine Drachios: Your going to be ok is that wound infected

[21:50] Ignis Darkfire breaths deeply not happy with the bindings. He whines like a cat agian
[21:50] Ignis Darkfire: Meooooowwww!!

[21:50] Circe Seorn: 'me looks up and nodded, "Yeah... I'm not so much worried about me." she leaned forward, reaching out to brush back Igg's hair to see the red eyes, "What the hell did they do to him.."

[21:50] Christine Drachios: Wyvern blood

[21:50] Christine Drachios: whatever that is

[21:52] Circe Seorn face palms har. "It's a type of very very powerful and dangerous creature.. no one here's acting like this... Either we let it wear off or I'm going to have to drain him."

[21:52] Ignis Darkfire tries to snap at Circe's fingers. He finally speaks after a bit of cool down, "....what they did..? They helped me....cause you KILLED ME!!!"

[21:52] Christine Drachios: so your plan has worked so far what about a second act what do we do now

[21:52] Steel Cord Bindings: Ignis Darkfire wiggles helplessly in their bindings.

[21:53] Christine Drachios: Now now Ignis if your were dead you wouldn't be yelling right now would you

[21:53] Circe Seorn pulled her hand back instantly, eyes filling with sorrow again. "You won't ever forgive me for that, I know, but please let me try and help you Brother.." She looked up to Christine, "He's got a point... I wasn't thinking and just blasted him."

[21:54] Christine Drachios: Good shot wish you hadn't done it though

[21:54] Christine Drachios: we got company

[21:54] Christine Drachios: Hey were over here

[21:55] Devereux Draconia " SUGAR WEEE!!"
[21:55] Devereux Draconia " hehehehe AHSAHAHAHAHA"

[21:55] Christine Drachios: Is everyone nuts around here

[21:55] Circe Seorn mumbles darkly under her breath, shaking her head. "Fuck it... I'm denoucing my powers today.."

[21:56] Ignis Darkfire starts hushing sounding like an nut, "You you! FIRE FIRE mEEE!!! FIRRRREEEEE!!!"

[21:56] Christine Drachios: That girl is acting nuts as well
[21:56] Christine Drachios: maybe we should go and find the kindred and ask for some mind control advice

[21:57] Circe Seorn stands up and runs her fingers through her hair. "No. I'm not using any magic, any powers. Nothing. I just keep killing or almost killing people."

[21:57] Devereux Draconia "oh.. I see the light " stubles to the floor.

[21:57] Christine Drachios: don't be hard on yourself it was an accident

[21:58] Circe Seorn looked to her, "It was still my fault though. I lost control when I shouldn't have.."

[21:58] Christine Drachios: I'm just wondering what to do now I think it's safer in here than out there right now

[21:59] Ignis Darkfire squirms like a caterpilla looking at Dev, "You saw the light!? I SAW Heaven two hours ago!!!" he says angrily

[21:59] Circe Seorn looks down to him, "He shoul be safe.. he cant harm himself or anyone for a little while, just gotta keep bringing him food."

[21:59] Devereux Draconia " jesus was that you?! Don't yell at me!!"

[21:59] Devereux Draconia takes another swig of the bottle.

[21:59] Christine Drachios: Ignis your an angle dear your suppose to see heaven

[21:59] Christine Drachios: now be quite and go to sleep

[22:00] Ignis Darkfire rolls around in frustration

[22:00] Christine Drachios: Should we see if we can get one of these room with a double bed the lady out there needs a place to sleep it off

[22:01] Circe Seorn sighs watching, "I got to get out of here..." She pushed the door open and got out as fast as she could

[22:01] Devereux Draconia sings " what's love gotta do.. gotta do with it! What's loveee..." chuckles drunkenly.

[22:03] Christine Drachios: Well are you taking off you sure have earned a rest tonight

[22:04] Circe Seorn rubs her forehead, "I'm keeping close... let him out in a few minutes.. so he can at least cool down. I'm going to stay hidden because he is obviously not going to be too friendly if he sees me."

[22:04] Christine Drachios: Hey lady I found a bottle of Jack daniels is it yours I wonder do you want to see it?

[22:04] Christine Drachios: come one I found it over here

[22:05] Devereux Draconia " One.. is the loneliness number that I ever knewww"

[22:05] Circe Seorn stands on her tip toes and snaps her fingers, the bindds she put on him going up in smoke as she leaned on the door, at least giving him some freedom

[22:06] Devereux Draconia " NO! Devils , angels.devils! NO"

[22:06] Devereux Draconia cries. " I want to go home.."

[22:06] Christine Drachios: No no devils or angels either for that matter come on lets go look

[22:06] Devereux Draconia rubs her eyes crying.

[22:07] Christine Drachios: Hi there honey are you OK you want to take a look what I got it's over here

[22:08] Devereux Draconia cries
[22:08] Devereux Draconia " what's in here ?" looks in.
[22:08] Devereux Draconia " AHHH It's dark in here!!"
[22:08] Devereux Draconia bangs on the door " NOO!! "

[22:09] Christine Drachios: It's Ok honey it's a special room for good people so you can teleport out all your cares and troubles away

[22:09] Circe Seorn looks to Christine, "Now that's a bit cold"

[22:09] Devereux Draconia screams. " You lied!! Evil woman!!"

[22:10] Christine Drachios: I'm sorry honey I'll see if there is a way for me to turn up the heat but it would be best if you got some rest now and in the morning everything will be much better you will see

[22:10] Ignis Darkfire Rawrs hearing Dev, "SISTER DEV!!!" he hops in his bindings and starts slamming the door with his head. His Big Brother Powers Activate

[22:11] Christine Drachios: looks like the Righteous is opening up it's own wing over here

[22:11] Circe Seorn facepalms, "Let her out Christine and take her to the chruch, she doesn't deserve to be locked up--" She looked over her shoulder, 'Ah hell.."

[22:11] Devereux Draconia " NOOO!! " bangsw on the door. " let me out!! " cries. " I'm afraid of the dark..."

[22:11] Christine Drachios: Circe you want me to take her to the church I think I'm going to need some help doing that

[22:12] Steel Cord Bindings whispers: Ignis Darkfire is attempting to release themselves from their bindings.
[22:12] Steel Cord Bindings shouts: Ignis Darkfire has slipped their bindings without being released!

[22:12] Circe Seorn looks over to Christine, "Just be kind and gentle with her. She's not dangerous..." She looked to the door, "though if he gets out..." She didnt say.

[22:12] Devereux Draconia cups her face crying. " please.. no father O'brain.. I'll be good.. I won't cut anymore.."

[22:12] Devereux Draconia " LET ME OUT!!"
[22:13] Devereux Draconia cries

[22:13] Ignis Darkfire bounces back after hitting the door

[22:13] Circe Seorn grabs hold of the handle and holds it shut, "Go get her out of here"

[22:13] Christine Drachios: Ok Ignis I'm going to take her to the church you relax ok

[22:14] Ignis Darkfire rawrs, "IGGY ANGRY!!!!"

[22:14] Devereux Draconia stumbles and follows Christine and cries.

[22:14] Circe Seorn: "Chill brother, she's fine.. I got her out."

[22:14] Christine Drachios: Devereux dear your right this place is to cold and loud you want to go to the church instead

[22:15] Devereux Draconia cries and nods " I'm sleepy.. drunk.. sleepy..."

[22:15] Christine Drachios: lets go to the church please I'll get you a nice place to sleep

[22:15] Devereux Draconia " I want to go a sober up.. "

[22:15] Circe Seorn sighs and turns, siting against the door, "Fuck my life.."

[22:16] Ignis Darkfire growls and sits in the middle of the padded

[22:21] Circe Seorn rests her head up against the metal and closes her eyes, sighing. "Iggy, I know you can hear me in there.. and I don't know if you can chill out to listen, but hear me out." She took a deep breath, keeping herself calm from going over the edge again, "What happened today was never meant to happen. I cannot say I am sorry enough but what I did was an accident, but I still take full responsibility... I didn't have control of my powers and you got the end of something that was never meant to be that strong.."

[22:23] Ignis Darkfire focuses his anger to his head to scolded with restain, "I told you didn't I? I told you before you should stop hurting me!"

[22:25] Circe Seorn bows her head, "And I didn't mean to! It was a trigger reaction in defense. I am still learning my powers, and I stopped but that... I didn't have control of myself. I can't use that excuse regardless. After this, I am denoucing all my magic.... I wont ever hurt anyone again."

[22:40] Ignis Darkfire plops to his side our the floor and it lets loose Circe's Gem from his belly button. He sits back up it fall out of his straight jacket to his lap. He looks down at his lap in disgust

[22:41] Circe Seorn closed her eyes and sighed heavily, giving up. The stone would show this, flickering with color from blue to red and then it settled on a very dull gray color and was icy cold

[22:48] Ignis Darkfire looks up to the Circe sensing something has happened relating to Circe. He simply listens to what's going on outside

[22:51] Circe Seorn rested her head against her knees and she fell silent for a long time. There was a quiet breeze that rolled in and there was sounds of foot steps near by. A faint glowing light of purple came from outsie the door as a voice spoke that wasn't Circe's: "So much hate.. what've you done now Circe? They're going to hunt you for this... Oh yes. You took a life, even if it was brought back.." The stone changed an turned to a deep purple and pulstated, the feeling the stone gave off was nothing good..

[22:52] Ignis Darkfire ear's perk know that's not Circe's voice

[22:57] Circe Seorn didn't move but she whispered, "Then why don't you just take me already. I know its me you want. Or are you that sadistic.." The other voice laughed, "AFter what your family has put mine through... little girl, I'd love to see you be put through years of pain. But no, you are dear to me, and I need you to be strong. Your time will come but know that there is something coming. You, my dear, will have to make a choice... that magic you just denounce, or something more dear to you. The rules have changed greatly now child, I'm free to do as I please."

[23:00] Ignis Darkfire starts to growl letting whoevers on the other side know that this was not the time or place to threaten anyboby

[23:02] Circe Seorn fell quiet again as there was a soft thud of circe falling to the side and falling asleep. The light faded before it bursted into the room through the tracks, forming in the same of a woman as she looked to him, black hair foming over her body and eyes, "So you're the life she took, hmmm? What is your name?"

[23:04] Ignis Darkfire growls at the stranger, "Darkfire...." he only says his last to people he doesn't throw, "Now GET out of my face before I blow fire ball in your face" he snarls

[23:06] Circe Seorn: The woman held up her hand and chuckled, "Relax. I am not here to harm you brave hunter, I bring you a warning about the woman that sits on the otherside of that door. What you heard out there was nothing. She feels nothing but guilt an dispair.... nothing comapred to what she did to you now, eh?"

[23:09] Ignis Darkfire growls and tries to bite the woman

[23:18] Circe Seorn notes he just seems to go right through her for a moment, slamming into the door before she faded, "Foolish man...."

[23:20] Light Sharktooth smiles looking down at circe "I knew I smelled you around here some where."

[23:20] Circe Seorn didn't anser, she as curled up in front of the door, her face burried in her arms and she seemed to be sleeping

[23:20] Light Sharktooth moves over to her sitting next to her watching her
[23:21] Light Sharktooth moves to move the hair away from her ear
[23:21] Ignis Darkfire growls at the activity outside
[23:21] Light Sharktooth looks over at the door, hearing the growl, howls back at it
[23:22] Light Sharktooth cups his hand closely to her ear, moving his head to her ear, "Hey... are you okay?"

[23:23] Circe Seorn was out cold it seemed like as she moved to get comfortable, "Sorry.. kill..accident"S he mumbled softly

[23:24] Light Sharktooth frowns at her, slowly moving his arms around her, moving his head to nuzzle against her shoulder "What's wrong circe..."

[23:26] Circe Seorn when he touched her shoulder he found a small trace of blood and a deep bite wound, she winced and muttered, "Ig.." And curled up further into her sleep

[23:28] Light Sharktooth growls low, knocking his fist hard against the metal behind the door "What the fuck...He'd never hurt you...."
[23:29] Light Sharktooth sniffs the air, looking for the scent, recognizing it "Ig...and another smell I don't recognize..."

[23:32] Circe Seorn was quiet again but the stone that Ig held flared an turne right red. The straight jacket he would have on fade, letting him free as the voice from earlier chuckled softly.

[23:34] Light Sharktooth growls low, gripping tighter to circe. whispering to her "What happened here...."

[23:34] Ignis Darkfire 's red eyes begins to fade back to normal. His jacket fades and is freed. Howerver out of exhaustion, he falls asleep

[23:36] Circe Seorn seemed to relax a bit and she whispered, "Killed Ig... accident... wyvrn... blood.." She yawned softly, "Rest... now"

[23:37] Light Sharktooth nuzzles her kneck softly. Letting his grip ease. As if trying to calm her mind...

[23:39] Circe Seorn relaxed completely, falling completely into sleep as she didnt mutter or seem to be bothered.

[23:41] Light Sharktooth gets up, peering into the slit of a window "Yeah... Ig..."

[23:42] Ignis Darkfire slightly snores

[23:43] Light Sharktooth picks circe up taking her to church to rest her sleeping body on the pews

[23:43] Light Sharktooth growls slightly before moving away. "G'night Ig.... sleep well bro'..." he says sadly as a few tears drop from his face