Monday, May 28, 2012

Out of Character notes


Christine Drachios is dead she is a ghost who doesn't know she is dead yet she walks around town because the curse that Joenta placed on her was broken when her body was tossed into the volcano.

Her body was reborn and walks around town as Lenora X she has learned tha

t she looks like Christine and that Christine lived with Joenta a Demoness she also learned the Christine was killed but Lenora doesn't know that she is the reborn body of Christine.

Christine has a chance to come back but it would take a powerful magic user and her body (Lenora) would have to die (to make room for Christine to return) something that once the ghost find out about she is most likely to refuse. Even if Lenora was willing to make such a sacrifice. Christine use to be an Angel and is still a good person and would never want to live at the expense of someone else. If she has a chance to refuse the ceremony she may be rewarded later on by Heaven giving her a second chance to be an Angel (reroll) She may even rejoin the Righteous.

Lenora is a human and totally innocent she may fall victim to any number of creatures in Toxia being also very weak and helpless right now. The Kindred seem to have caught her scent and of course Joenta would want a go at her as well. It is unclear as to what would eventually happen to her that is the fun of it.

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