Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lenora finds an important clue

Untitled Document Bronus (Looks at the girl and says) Leonora right...that's your name?

Lenora X She is surprised by a voice and the sudden appearance of an Angel "Ah,...Yes Oh you were in the church right?"

Bronus Nods "yes I was there that day....tell me, you were in that room, I don't know what happend, but did you have the chance to see something"?

Lenora X She turns and smiles at him Angels have quickly became her favorite people in this strange town, "Oh well I ran into the back room to like get away because I'm sure I would be no good in a fight and the moment I step into that room I saw like someone dressed in black standing near a desk they turn to look at me but just then someone put a horrible smelling rag over my face and I don't recall anything after that just woke up later with a splitting headache and everyone was gone"

Bronus Nods "Anyway guess thats not important anymore...do you have a place to spend the night"?

Lenora She kind of shrugs her shoulders "Sorry I can't give you more information I only got a quick glance whatever was on that rag well my head hurt for two days afterwards ,....I've been spending my night at the Shelter over there" she turns and points to the building behind her "I'm still sort of finding my way around still looking for clues as to who I really am"

Bronus Chuckles "you remind me of someone...yet your sad eyes...she she didn't have them...but you look like her twin...ahh dont mind me angels stuff"

Lenora X Starts to tell him about her search for who she really is,..."I was told to look for either someone name of Mai or Vash or the Righteous Misha I think the name was they could help me" She turns to stare at him as his words sink in..."Oh really?" she looks at him even more surprised than before "You think I look like someone?" "Who is that?" "Is that person still around? " "Boy would it be something if I had a sister I didn't even think of that possibility"

Bronus Shakes his head and walks closely to her with a smile "don't mind me what I speak is nonsense"

Lenora X She looks at the Angel as if he was Moses himself giving the word of God to the people "No No please tell me it's the first real clue I've had in weeks do I really look like someone you know?"

Bronus Nods "Chris...is a nice girl, hadn't seen her around....she was mmmm how can I say it, she was always with bad company...or weird company, we are not all weird, but ..well, haven't seen her for a while"
-Scared of a werewolf Lenora X She hadn't considered the possibility of relations having a brother or a sister around maybe the person the Angel was referring too is not a relative at all but it's a clue and the only one she has come by so far she grabs on to it like a drowning person would reach for a lifejacket "Oh thank you chris you say and she was in with bad company " she stops speaking suddenly when she see's a wearwolf come running up "Ahhhhh,.....Oh shit" she yells and jumps behind the Angel trying to hide behind his large wings
Bronus Smiles "Don't be afraid..perhaps, if i am correct...you can look for a woman with six boobs"

Lenora X The wolfman leave as quickly as he appeard but she reamains shaken. She turns to the Angel still shaken by what she had seen, even as a couple of others non-human types walk up close to them "Whaaat what? " she says " six breasts?" What sort of creature is that?" she asks fear still in her voice

Bronus He laughs "the common creatures around this city, look for her, perhaps she...can help you.. and if you see Chris tell her Bronus misses her"

Esso Glances at the couple of the side walk the moment 6 breasts were mentioned, more talk of the queen

Lenora X She eyes the new arrivals as if they were deadly snakes she moves as close as she can to the Angel without looking like she was his girlfriend turning back to Bronus she says "I need to find this Chris-person but where should I look for this woman with six breasts?"She watches as the Angle starts to walk away No wait don't leave me I need to know where to look" Bronus wait!"

Esso 破壊者 huffs and starts to walk off

Bronus"I havent gone...i sensed an unbalance in the force...i will dissapear that part o

Lenora X She looks at him confused as a wolf howls in the background "Well just don't leave me let Ok this place is scaring me to death right now, and you just gave me the only lead I've had in weeks of searching So I have to find chris and Joventa? " "This Joventa she is the one with six breasts?" "What type of creature is she a werewolf lady with pups?"she asks

Bronus Chuckles "Well, I didn't know what kind of creature she is, but well having six boobs is to feed someone Iguess, or simply try to get some attention, I dont know, Chris was the closest to her, I know where she lives, like i said she was my neighbor"

Lenora X "Oh well if you could show me I would appreciate it" she looks around a feeling a cold hand of fear creeping up her back "I mean if you think she might know where I can find this Chris person are you sure she looks like me" says asks again sounding a little less confident of her quest

Bronus I usd too live upstairs...but the noises, I dont know how god allows this things, demons, fucking wolves and vice a versa it was something....well not even in my wildest dreams, but here it is the door on my right

Lenora X She follows closely behind the Angel until he reaches a second floor apartment as she stands in front of it and reads the name on the door she get's this feeling she has been here before "Oh my god! this is the place I woke up at I'm pretty sure of it I never got on this side of the door but the building look familiar is there a place with vampires a block or two away from here" she asks

Bronus Nods the kindred, yes"

Lenora X "Oh my god" she gasps again "I've been here" "I mean I woke up here I'm sure of it now it was three weeks ago and I was nude and well I don't remember anything before I woke up in there " she goes up to the door and presses her ear to it to listen turning to Bronus she says "You think this Chris person is in there?" she asks OMG Bronus lets find out, lets knock the door and if she is here I will tell her that because of her noises she lost a valuable neighbor He raises his hand and knocks on the door loudly

Lenora X "Ok just don't leave me I don't know what I would do if the lizard man is in there" she steps behind the Angel as he knocks on the door

Bronus "Dont worry i'll be here" and knocks again louder

Lenora X She waits with baited breath but nothing happens "It doesn't look like anyone is home" she says finally turning to the Angel she says "Now what?"

Bronus Laughs well it seems it's your lucky day no one answer the door"

Lenora X "I guess" she looks at him to see if he is joking "What should I do now?" she asks confusion excitement and fear all running though her mind at the same time She stares at the door as if she could see beyond it the rooms decorated with pictures of nude and tortured women the torture rack standing next to the bar the extra large bed and the large birdcage hanging from the ceiling oh and the missing bath towel which was the only thing she was wearing when she broke out the back window and leaped to the street below . "I never thought I would return to this place" she says "And this Chris person the one you say looks like me she lives here with " she stops and reads the name on the door "Joenta" she says

Bronu Nods "aye Joenta thats the one, I'm sure she knows...and we can go to the church..but at 7 is the story telling forum of one of the faction here"

Lenora X "Did Chris have a sister that you knew of?" she asks Looking at the Angel she gives him another puzzeled look "Story telling?" "At the Chruch?" "Well OK I mean better than standing here I guess can I come with you then?" she asks softly

Bronus "The story telling is at the library...and I don't know if she have a sister, but well lets go we have nothing to do here"

Lenora X She follow the Angel through the streets of the city until they reach the church

Bronus "here you will be safe"

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