Saturday, March 10, 2012

Christine puts a curse on Vladen

At first she was happy for her sister it seemed like Oli had found someone she really liked A man name of Vladen have been hanging around the Coven headquarters for weeks and when she came outside to see Oli and him kissing she finally put two and two together. The very next day she found Vladen in the backroom with some strange Vampire woman She asked him "Where is Oli" and the vampire "Asked who's Oli dear? I'm his Fiance'." Fiance'?!!! Christine almost pulled out her shotgun but no it's not for her to do that to him not yet at least, she must tell her sister first, she did kick the two of them out of the Voodoo shop. Then the next night Christine came dragging back to the shop after having had her ass kicked by a werewolf (don't ask) There was Vladen again being a lazy lug on the sofa she demanded to know where Oli was and he dismissed her with a gesture like she was someone who can be easily ignored Christine has never been easy to ignore she figured she would get her revenge on him and it didn't take long for her to think of what to do.

She starts to dig through her supplies taking various items out of her cubbie she takes a cucumber out and with a pocket knife starts to carve words into it then she places a number of herbs and ointments on it before taking it and placing it in the sacred circle she surrounds it with Crystals and lights four candles place in the four directions around it Lighting sage she walks around the room blessing it before returning to the circle she kneels before the offering and with the knife cuts across the palm of her hand and hold it out to drip blood on the cucumber as she chants "ç”°soror prodere volueris. donec admittere iniuria tua cole mollibus non fortis virtus dico ter tria sic eri" (You were unfaithful to my sister so I cures thee Until you admit your wrong your penis will remain soft not strong as the power of three time three so I say so shall it be)

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