Sunday, April 15, 2012

Killed by the Toxian Monster and helped to heal a werewolf

It was over Quick

If you know anything about me you know I'm a terrible fighter
How bad you can tell by my official DCS ID

So you can imagine when I showed up at the Voodoo shop to find a Toxian Monster in the Back room. At first I thought if I ignore him he would go away "Fat Chance of that" He ended up killing me in about 15 seconds.

So I was curious and went to the Library to look his DCS ID up and this is what I found.

When I finally woke up he had killed a Angel who had shown up and then he killed me again,....The third time I regain consciousness I played dead until I was sure he wasn't expecting anything then I Muted and bombarded him as I ran for the door I made it outside and didn't stop running until I reach the Bar.

Joenta and I helped to heal a werewolf

That was different

This was very different I was at the apartment with Joenta when she gets a call to come and help at the Voodoo shop by Lady Syd she had a Werewolf who needed his human self pulled back into his body. I don't pretend to understand this stuff I'm a very beginner magic-user and Joenta is the former High Priestess she is very powerful. All I did was lend a hand by helping to channel spiritual energy towards her and Lady Syd they did the heavy lifting with their magic. In the end we helped the werewolf. A very interesting night to say the least

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