Sunday, December 4, 2011

Drake the Demon Lord teaches Christine a lesson then it's Joenta's turn

Christine Drachios: Greetings Drake fine evening it is tonight

Drake Subagja dispells the metal glove skin change and walks towards the broken window to which he threw nivea through" do you really got it? or shall I explain lesson one again? how do you deal with elder demons?" he looks aside a moment" so far it is pleasing, christine" he looks back to nivea"

Christine Drachios wandering through the new park of town Christine find the Demon Lord and some other woman sitting alone on the sidewalk she greets him in a friendly manner noting the broken glass seems like he and the woman might have had a recent fight "Ok well I might be disturbing you I guess maybe I should be moving on"

NIV (nivea.vuckovic) forces to grin just to show him her bloody teeth,probably from the impact she bit her own inside of the mouth...'No need Drake I think I understand very well..' and tries to spit out any blood left in her mouth,turning her head away from him and the other girl standing there...'Are we done with lessons for today?..I feel rather tired and well..broken?''

Drake Subagja his calm voice resonates in the air" going so soon, such a pity, I find you if I ever need to, Christine" he looks to nivea" you seemed to learned a bit atleast, you aswell I may find again, child"his eyes shimmer

NIV (nivea.vuckovic) uprights and flexes her sore body,wincing as she does..Replies 'Sure,come and find me,I cant wait for the next lesson..' smiling trough the pain,obviously fake and just waiting to get away..'I'll be...going..' glances at the girl,nods a little and starts walking away,as straight as she can not wanting to show her messed up body..'Later Drake' salutes and waits till she moves away few meters then grumbles 'I'm in fucking trouble'

Christine Drachios: You know Lord Drake I have always have had great respect for you that is why I really really hate to have to do this" Christine quickly reaches into the pocket of her pants and pulls out a small bag she unties it and shows it contains white powder she smiles up at Drake as she attempts to toss the powder into his face (if successful it will temporary stun him she says 'Demonous Vergessen counto regioal mortaiol' "Forgot that which I have told you in the past Demon " (attempting to do a forgetting spell on him)

Drake Subagja hears nivea and calmly turns in her direction raising up his hand" lets go over todays lesson again fast as you go, the words ' sure come and find me, cant wait' show of no respect" his hand shimmers as his body trembles with energy which collects in his hand, before a burst of energy creates a shockwave towards nivea her back" that be all" he looks aside to christine as the shockwave caused air-displacement, a gust of wind capable of blowing the dust back to christine her face, if she didn't evade it or if the wind scattered the dust not everywhere around other then drake his body self"hate wha......." he stopped talking wondering what she was doing"

DCS 2.99.35: Drake Subagja OOC: sure i can take hits but forgetfullness spells on a demon cursed to remember everything he ever did, counter sides so not sure how i would do that even

NIV (nivea.vuckovic) kept walking without looking back or knowing whats going on, a strong impact on her back made her get pushed front and stumble over her own steps,almost not beeing able to keep up and fall down on her face..Old habbits die slow,and she hisses like a vampire would,just this time it sounded a bit different. Uprights again,looks back at Drake but this time doesnt say a thing,just goes on her way cautious and aware that he is open for attacks..tries to walk away without any more incidents

Christine Drachios looks with trepidation for Drake is the most powerful creature she has ever battled with she is counting on surprise and that she mixed the potion correctly she has no ideal since she had never before done this spell or attempted it on a demon as she tossed the magic dust she see's his raised had shimmering with energy somehow that simple act caused enough disturbance in the air to disperse the dust some manage to land on his clothing but most end up on the sidewalk and some was blowed back onto Christine she is shocked it wasn't what she had expected or hoped for "Opps! ah my bad,....ah April fools?" she says by way of explaination

Drake Subagja turns to Christine and smiles calm as he looks at the dust on his clothes " i think you are a few months late, Christine, allow me to show you a new fool of myself" drake took of his shirt and let it fall on the floor, holding his right hand up he repeated covering it in metal like he did before yet this time it doesn't stop, slowly clicking over his full body before he reaches out to Christine to lift her up by her neck" i'm sure it will 'crack you up'

Christine Drachios: She is caught with a deer in the headlight look on her face,...her mouth slightly agapped too shocked to put together a coherent lie she quickly looks around to see if she has a clear path to run if she needs to make a quick retreat,..."Oh ah that was not what I was expecting,....she repeats herself unconsciously before he was able to snatch her by the neck and make any further comments difficult to make "ahhhh I,...i'm sorry ahhhhh can't breath"

NIV (nivea.vuckovic) contemplated stopping and seeing what was going on but beening away from Drake at this moment was more alluring..She just left

Drake Subagja holds Christine up to eye-height" enlighten me, what did you try to do, i think you have a few sentences air left, use them wise" he reaches with his other hand to her hand, slowly closing his metal glove around her pink fleshy hand"

Christine Drachios Eyes bug out both from lack of air and blood going to her brain as well as seeing the transformation fo Drake to something Metalic and large clawed and very disturbing looking she struggles to get his hands loose but it is hopeless she answers his question the moment she could "ahhh I I wasn't suppose to say anything about the portals I wanted you to forget that I told you about them" she manage to say

Christine Drachios: Her feet kick in the air and black spots are starting to swim in her eyesight which is starting to get blurry "Sorry Drake sorry I i didn't know how to try to make you forget I,...i looked up a spell and thought I would give it a try" her hands are growing weaker and she pants trying to get some air but hardly any is getting into her lungs

Drake Subagja closes his hand around christine her hand as far as he could, metal sharp plates against what looked pink flesh" you tried to make up for screwing up ?" drake shakes his head at what he only can see as weakness, " i been told there is a good way to make people forget things, " he lifts christine up high" traumatic experiences" he brings his hand back as far as he could and tried to swing christine as far as he could through the street untill she hit the street or a building" fly safe"

Christine Drachios fagely aware of the change in the horizon moments before feeling great pain in her back and then almost immediately blacking out unaware that she bounced off a building and almost landing back near Drake's feet

Drake Subagja looks to christine her body at his feet" as weak as she ever was, yet i do have to compliment her for effort one day" he steps over christine her body and walks back down the street to a next incident he may encounter

Christine Drachios sitting on the sofa rocking slowly back and forth in pain she hold a broken hand gently against her stomack and every few minutes a shooting pain up her back causes her to grimace she stays quiet but looks up when she hears someone come walking into the shop

Erebos Blackheart wanders slowly into the shop as he looks around the room seeing no one into he looks over at Christine a little shocked at her condition. He turns toward her fully with concern, "Are you alright?"

Christine Drachios: She looks up and coughs weakly the very act of it seems to cause her a great deal of discomfort,...."Ah had a little run in with a Demon" "Otherwise I'm fine and you erebos?"

Erebos Blackheart watches her for a bit before shrugging, "I don't matter too much, what demon did this?" he asks scanning the room

Christine Drachios: She takes a moment to get herself centered closing her eyes for a moment to try to concentrate the pain away,...."Drake, but it was my fault I shouldn't have tried to hex him"

Russ Uxlay moves down the stairs, stopping on the landing and listening in trying not to interupt.

Erebos Blackheart shrugs with a sigh as he nods, " I don't care for that one much..." he trails off eventually noticing Russ standing near by as he lifts his hand to her, "Hello there."

Christine Drachios grimaces as an espically sharp series of pain goes shooting through her body,...she was about to say more but the pain seems to take the words away from her she turns to look to see who Erebos is talking too

Russ Uxlay gives Erebos a quick nod as she continues down, moving towards Christine with a worried frown on her face, "Wh-what've you gotten yourself into th-this time, Chrstine dear?"

Christine Drachios: Tries to smile at the High Priestess then bites her bottom lip either out of pain or embarrassment it's hard to tell, "Ah Miss Russ I tried to put a forgetting spell on Drake I told him something about who I thought was responsible for the portals and I just wanted him to forget it, didn't work and he was not much amused "

Erebos Blackheart watches Russ come down eventually glancing back at Christine when Russ stops. He then sighs looking between them, "Let me know if I can help." he simply says focusing on Christine as she talks about a portal supect.

Russ Uxlay sighs, shaking her head slightly as she crouches down in front of Christine, digging in her pocket and producing an epi pen, "Give m-me your arm, Christine. Anyway- wh-which Drake? The Shadow or th-the one from the factory? And why are y-you concerned with him knowing or th-thinking of the portals?"

Christine Drachios Puts on a brave face but is feeling bad first because she had to admit that she told Drake something that she shouldn't have second that her spell didn't work and she got her ass kicked as a result she feels like a total fuck-up but gladly raises her crushed hand to the High Priestess "The Shadow lord I'm afraid Miss Russ" "I just didn't want him to know that I suspected the high Priest" she says the last in a whisper

Erebos Blackheart sighs to himself as he leans back against the wall finding her suspicions interesting but more for confirmation rather than anything. He watches Russ's treatment technique also with slight interest but more for a place to look.

Russ Uxlay shrugs as she gently takes Christine by the wrist and presses the epidermal needle to her arm, hitting the button and sending the little healing tonic into her. She then busies herself with wrapping Christine's wounded hand tight enough to keep her from moving it much, "TH-that'll help. Just don't g-go trying to open doors or punch any wolves with that h-hand, yeah? Anyway- let th-them think it's Mister Duckie. It makes little d-difference. If they think we're up to something, all the b-better. The last rumor I heard w-was that the scene at th-the tree was all s-staged- that it was one of m-my illusions, or some other act t-to make people think it isn't the Coven." She grins, "Let th-them think what they will. It's not like anyone else knows a th-thing about the magics we use, yeah?" She glances sidelong at Erebos, maybe to gauge his reaction, maybe to make sure he understood he knew he was listening.

Christine Drachios: She nods her head and uses her good hand to wipe away some tears before they start running down her face "Yes Russ sorry,....I shouldn't have said anything and I certainly shouldn't have tried what I tried," she squeezes her hand a few times it is still very sore and tender 'I think I'll go home and try to sleep this off"

Russ Uxlay nods, standing, smiling warmly, "Y-you appologize too much. Cut it out. Y-you did what y-you thought was needed. Go on- t-take care, yeah?"

Erebos Blackheart moves little as she speaks or when she looks not paying much mind to the glance. His eyes shift upward as he thinks over a few things before looking back down to add to them, "Have you heard any suspicions about the Shadows?" he asks with some interest

Christine Drachios: "Nods to Russ again very grateful for the healing, "Ok I'll try not to apologize so much or do anything that make me think I should apologize" she turns to Erebos and nods to him "TAke care Erebos I'll be seeing you aorund"

Russ Uxlay nods to Christine, then begins back towards the stairs, grinning at Erebos again, "It's n-not the Shadows. It's a work of arcana, n-not demonics. G-good evening, Mister Erebos."

Erebos Blackheart waves his hand to the injured one, "You as well, can't see you getting hurt much more like that." he ends before taking his gaze back to Russ with a shrug, "Very well."

Christine Drachios: Shows up at the apartment after doing a teleporting spell from the coven headquarters "Oh Mistress your home" she tries to kneel down and can hide the fact that she is still in a lot of pain but she managed to get down on her knees

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) reaches her hands out towards Christine when she starts to go to her knees, she'd send forth a wave of healing through the woman several times, a few other waves to get rid of her pain, she smiled at her and didn't ask just put her arms around her "Hey... Missed you."

Christine Drachios see's the quizing look that her Mistress gives her before she feels the wave of healing wash over her "Ahhhhh" she lets out a long slow moan as pleasureable as any loving sound she has made feeing the pain in the various parts of her body fade away she lets it disappear and looks up at her Mistress with a big smile on her face "I missed you as well Mistress thank you soooo much I feel much better now"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "You where... moving like someone just tossed... you in a dryer and hit... high heat long tumble..." she smirked a little at her then brushed a few fingers through Christine's hair.

Christine Drachios Looks up loveingly at her Mistress a mischivious smile playing on her lips before she looks down shyly she says "i owe you an explaination, it was totally my fault no need for you to try to hurt anyone, I was indiscreet with my words and told someone a confidence that I shouldn't have I tried to take my words by with magic using a potion and some dust I looked up in the library how to make a forgetting spell thing is it didn't work and the person was not amused,....anyway it's over now I learned my lesson I'll keep my mouth shut in the future and not try to hex anyone more powerful than myself which happens to be everyone I'm afraid"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) chuckles softly while brushing her fingers through Christine's hair still "Maybe I should... punish you instead..." she nodded her head "For doing anything... other then try to bring those around you... happiness and pleasure... seeing as your so convened that everyone else is... vastly more powerful then you... then all your worth really is... is that of a pleasure slave... and you need to be reminded of that... fact... you are to wear nothing but... a lone cloth for a week... and anyone that... comes to you... or you go to them... you are to offer them... their pleasures in your body."

Christine Drachios: Christine leans down and kisses her Mistress feet then continues to kiss up her legs only stopping to answer her 'Yes Mistress thank you that is a fitting punishment" "shall I proceed to dress like that now or should I take all my clothes off for now?"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "show me what... loin cloths you have..." she said and kept brushing fingers through Christine's hair watching her face.

Christine Drachios: She starts to undress "yes Mistress" "I might have something around here" she says

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) watches stepping back for the moment.

Christine Drachios: I have this but I think I have something better she continues to look into her underwear drawer

Christine Drachios: Well no not this one
Christine Drachios getting a bit frustrated all this lacy underwear and not a loin cloth to be found she might have to cut the crotch out of one of these if she doesn't find anything soon
Christine Drachios: ah here we go she finally finds something to wear
Christine Drachios: Is this acceptable Mistress? she asks modeling her white loin cloth I could get something shorter if you wish?"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) looks over for a moment "That should do fine..." she smiled at Christine.

Christine Drachios: Smiles back at her Mistress pleased that her appearance is satisfactory "Ok a week you say I can do that"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "yes a week... to remind you... of what you are... seems I've been getting complacent... your job is... the pleasures of others..." she reaches forwards to lift the loin cloth somewhat enough to where she is able to start rubbing Christine's folds firmly.

Christine Drachios: Yes Mistress ,..she bows her head can I begin by giving you some pleasure right now

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) "I'm afraid I don't... have the time for it..." she pursed her lips as she pushed two fingers into Christine's pussy deeply.

Christine Drachios: "Yes Mistress I'll just redouble my efforts next time we meet then"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) wonders if she used to much magic and Christine can't feel her fingers in her pussy.

Christine Drachios: ?me smiles at her Mistress as she feels the waves of pleasure develop in her lower regions "Thank you Mistress I'm not worth of all this effort "

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) looks up at Brian when he appears "Oh good... fuck Christine for me... make her feel really dirty..." she nods then pulls her hand away from Christine's loin cloth and fades into the night.

Christine Drachios looks up surprised to see a strange man in the room but quickly follows orders and drops her loin cloth

Brian (cleancutsub) looks at the now naked woman "Well, hello Christine. I guess you got on Joenta's bad side..."

Christine Drachios: looks up at the man "Well not exactly she is just teaching me a lesson which I deserve in fact "I'm christine and your pleasure slave for tonight if you want please tell me what you would like me to do sir she looks the man up and down she has never seem him before but it doesn't matter she will follow her Mistress instruction to the letter "You don't have to be shy I am willing to do whatever you like sir" she steps up to him and softly reaches out to touch his chest "Would you like for me to help you undress sir?"

Brian (cleancutsub) looks over the beautiful curves of the woman's body, staring at ehr ample breasts. "Um, well.." He hesitates, blushing a bit. "I am actually submissive, um, so if you have any anger you would like to take out on me.." he chuckles, shyly.

Christine Drachios: looks at him and nods "ah you would be my first submissive male sir please feel free to direct me for I am untaught in the ways of this but since I am already nude I think you should be as well so please undress yourself right now sir" she tries to sound more forceful with the last command

Brian (cleancutsub) looks at her nervously and then slowly takes off his clothes.

Christine Drachios: "your cute" she says watching him undress 'I don't meet too many shy males in this town she looks at his penis when he takes off everything "So I think I would be more comfortable if your penis was fully raised it looks as shy as you are," she says smiling "Please handle yourself until your member decides it wants to show up unless you want me to do it for you?"

Brian (cleancutsub) begins to get hard just from her looking at his penis, and from her naked form. He gives her a shy smile as his cock springs to life.

Christine Drachios: She reaches up and strokes his chest gently noting his tanned toned body "looks like you work out she purrs as she steps close up to him,."there we go she lets her hand reach down and cup the underneath of his raised dick, "I thought you were cold or something,' here let me help you with that "she slowly starts to stroke his penis using just a few fingers "You can touch me as well ahhh, what is your name sir?"

Brian (cleancutsub) takes in a deep breath as her fingers wrap around his shaft and start to stroke him. "My name is Brian.." He reaches out and presses his hand to her mound, then begins rubbing up and down her lips.

Christine Drachios: "Well Brian please to meet you, and you too little brian she says smiling looking down at his penis "we are going to become fast friends" come here she tugs on him not too gently on the penis pulling him over to the chair "sit" was all she said

Brian (cleancutsub) is led by his penis to the chair and sits before her

Christine Drachios: As soon as she got him on the chair she turns around and sits on his lap gravitating her hips in a sexy manner rubbing her asscrack up and down against his engrossed member she reaches back and graps his hands placing them on her breasts "Here I'll work you if you work me luv"

Brian (cleancutsub) leans back as she begins to grind against his hard cock. After she places his hands on her breasts, he begin to massage them, carressing and pressing the flesh. He lightly teases her nipples with his fingers.

Christine Drachios: She works him in this way for a few minutes without feeling his hard cock enter her she moans as he squeezes her breasts and nipples but wonders what is wrong she decides to try something eles so she turns around facing him then strats to climb up on the arms of the chair "Here she thrust here groin towards his face "eat me out please" she says and squats in front of his face

Brian (cleancutsub) looks at her pussy as she thrusts it in his face. He leans in and begins to lick up and down her lips. He parts them with his tongue and flicks the tip of her clit, teasing it, sucking it. Then he presses his tongue inside her, tasting her, probing inside her.

Christine Drachios: He seems to go at her with a great deal of gusto and she responds in kind gravitating her hips rocking back and forth on his face "Yes!" she says as his tongue works her clit "Oh yeah you've done this before I can tell" her hands reaches for his forehead and she had to push him back a bit "Lighter touch there lover lick it with the tip of your tongue don't suck it too hard,...Ah yes that's right more like that Yea! oh yea now we are rocking it,....she moans and wiggles her hips as she gets more involved in the moment

Brian (cleancutsub) looks up at her writhing body as he presses his lips firmly against her mount, his tongue fully inside her. He slides it in and out quickly a few times, then returns to her clit, the tip of his tongue flicking it rapidly. He varies the direction constantly, licking fast as he listens to her breathing.

Christine Drachios: soon her juices are flowing and copious amounts of pussy juice is starting to leak out of her making the lower part of his face shinny with her secreations "Ah yess yes that's wonderful here she starts to raise up "Don't you move!" she says as she slips herself around facing his penis placing her knees back against his head she lowers her butt down to his face till her pussy is directly above his mouth again as she reaches for his cock with her hand to guide it into her willing mouth in a classic sixtynine. She works her mouth up and down his member slightly stroking his balls with her free hand first she goes down deep on him till her face is buried in his public patch she holds it for a few moments before sliding it almost all the way out she then bobs her head up and down on him rapidly allthe while using her tongue to wrap around his cock first one side then the other

Brian (cleancutsub) looks up as her firm ass and wet mound are lowered over his face, the sight turning him on more. He immediately licks up and down her lips, lapping up her juices. His breathing increases as her lips expertly sucks his cock. A moan escapes his lips as he is so turned on from both the position and from her attention. "mmhmmm"

Christine Drachios: While she works him with the skill of a well trained call-girl she beats a steady tempo of little hip thrust with her crotch using her soft parts of her fleshy flowers to press hard against the bone structure of his jaw,. lips nose and mouth "aaahhhhh,....she pulls herself off his cock for a few minutes so she can concentrate on the pleasure he was giving her "aaaahhhh yessss yeah,....she breaths deeply gasping in little breaths as the buildup to her bliss was starting to peak

Brian (cleancutsub) keeps his tongue firm as her hips thrust down onto him. He flattens his tongue against her folds, pressing firmly up and down, then the tip of his tongue flicks her bud repeatedly, his cock throbbing as she pauses. He wants to explode but knows she's in control of that.

Christine Drachios: she was brought to edge of orgasm several times. her juices ran halfway up her asscrack soon she starts moaning incoherently but clearly. “fuckmefuckmefuck” was what it sounded like. Her womanly musky scent filled the air as came with lots of squealing and shrieking, her breasts bouncing all over her chest as she experienced the full impact of the orgasm with a spasmodic rocking back and forth motion her hips going into overdrive as she starts to loudly cumming with a wailing orgasm Oh…….Oh…OH...OHHHH….uuuuhhhhh……ohhhhhh.oh…oh…oh…OHHH….OH…….OHHHH.” Involuntarily, she had multiple orgasms that kept exploding like a string of firecrackers.
As she comes down from the extreme high she just experenced she reaches out with her mouth and reengulfs his dick sucking hard on him going after it with renew energy

Brian (cleancutsub) keeps licking and flicking, hearing her breathing increase, feeling her legs tighten around his head. A happy feeling passes through his body as her body spasms in orgasm. He eases off as her hips bucks against him, then laps up her juices..

Christine Drachios: She continues to suck him and lets one hand reach underneath his firm ass to cup his butt cheeks the other reaches back there and slowly pokes his neither area with her pointer finger

Brian (cleancutsub) holds onto her hips, slowly licking her as she sucks his engorged member. He feels the pressure quickly mounting as she swallows his cock. His breathing grows harder, his muscles tightening, and he's driven past the edge. "Unnnnhhhh," he gasps as he explodes, his loading bursting out in spurts.

Christine Drachios: She could feel his penis start to twitch and knows he is close to completion she pushes her finger into his butt firmly just as he explodes in her mouth she doesn't miss a stroke and keeps sucking making sure not a drop of his sperm escapes her hungry mouth

Brian (cleancutsub) flashes a big grin at Christine "Well, that was unexpected. I hope I made you happy.."

Christine Drachios: Christine climbs off of brian slowly she licks her lips like a cat that just ate a bird "Yes you did very in fact any you?" she reaches out and strokes his face it's important to me that you like it as well did you?"

Brian (cleancutsub) "Yes, I did. I will give an excellent report to the Mistress, if that's a concern."

Christine Drachios: "not really a concern she know I know how to please a man or a woman but I want you to be happy I hope I was able to do that for you" she gives him a hug and rest her head on his broad chest as she says this

Brian (cleancutsub) enjoys the feel of her warm skin against his, hugging her affectionately back. "I enjoyed it very much. Any time you need my tongue, let me know," he says with a shy smile again.

Christine Drachios: "I'll be sure to do that brian " she snuggle s next to him as she says this
[21:51] Brian (cleancutsub): ((thanks. I hope you enjoy having to wander around town in your loincloth :) ))

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