Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Diary up to my arrival in Toxia

My History From Christine Drachios Diary

Dec 11th 2037   Ft. Belnap upper badlands area

Hau cola  my new friend, I haven't kept a diary since I was a little girl but things have been so strange lately I think it is time to start doing this again.  My Grandmother Lenny Stiffarm use to say to me our lives are long enough to come in two parts. The first arrives with mistakes and follies from which we are forced to learn.  The second is the benefit of learning from the first.   Since I am young I guess I'm still in my first part of my life but already I've learned a lot either from my sister Denise or from my uncle AJ I've learn about our family history, about being Lakota, I've learned our values and some of our language (I'm still learning lakota) and I've learned what has happened to us since the Wormwood Comet I was ten back then  and I remember being able to see that streak of light very bright blue light that reached across the night sky from the sister and her seven brothers all the way to the constellation of Leo you could even see it during the daylight hours.  It was then that we learned about the opening in the dimensions it created and all the strange and dangerous spirits and demons that were released into our world.   Some good spirits as well most people don't know about them but I do because one of them entered into my uncle while he was doing his vision quest.  AJ had been out of the Marines and in and out of trouble for years when he started to study our ways under the tutoring of my grandma Lenny who is the matriarch of our clan.  He had just completed his fourth year of sundance and was on the hill doing a vision quest when the comet approached.  People are scared of my uncle because of the way it changed him and with all the reports of strange demonic and vampire attacks of course people were afraid.  AJ came down from the hill with horns like a ram and golden eyes so people thought he was possessed by a demon, but he wasn't it was the spirit of some ancient elf wizard or something like that he doesn't even know I just know he now keeps mostly to himself living in a teepee way back on the other side of the mountain.   But I go and visit with him I like him a lot and he's teaching me how to shoot says these are dangerous days and I need to know how to protect myself.   Well enough for now I'll write again soon. Bye Chris.

Feb 12 2038
I'm not very good at keeping diaries I'm afraid to busy never enough time to sit and write.  Much has happened since I started writing this mostly bad news I'm afraid.  In fact many people are afraid nowadays with the coming of the vampires then the bikers the aryan brotherhood they overran the town of Havre and drove out all the locals including my sister Denise.  She says that they are not all human and many of them are werewolves in disguise I guess that makes sense since they showed up shortly after the first vampire attacks were reported.  Mr. Lamont down by the mill was the first body drained of every last drop people say, after him bodies were turning up like mushrooms after a rain storm.  AJ started the New chapter of AIM dedicated to defending the reservation against vampire attacks later they added Lycans and demons to the description.

I wanted to join AIM to fight against the vampires.  My uncle says I am still too young, but that doesn't stop me from studying to become a medic, and this way I can help my people when they get injured from the encroachment of vampires and werewolves upon our little reservation.

It's been a couple of months since my last entry.  I have been in shock and mourning since my only sister's life was cut short by those ghastly vampires.  I was there to witness, but I was too petrified and afraid to stop it.  we both heard them break into our house, and she shoved me into the closet and before I had time to protest, they were upon her before I could even react.  She barely shut the closet door when they went straight to her.  There were three of them, and they fed on her for what seemed like an eternity.  I did not see this, but heard it since I was right behind the door.  Then I heard one of them say that it was almost daybreak, that they should leave.  It got really quiet, I was petrified but in the closet was an old sheath, kind of like a dull sword and I was holding onto that in case they busted through the closet door.  After I heard the vampires say that it was almost daybreak, I waited about 10 minutes with no sound outside of the closet, and I slowly opened the closet door.  The third vampire was just leaving out the front door, I don't know why he was hanging around, but I think he was going thru our family photo album or something, at least I think that because I noticed one of the pages opened of me, my sister and my grandmother Lenny, but it had blood streaked across it and that is when I think I lost my mind.  At that moment, with the sheath in my hand, I became enraged and started running towards the vampire, and as he disappeared into the pre-dawn, he was laughing, saying "don't be a hero" and then everything went black.

May 2038
I was just at the reservation clinic finishing up a class, and I saw an advertisement posted on the bulletin board for a combat medic thru the United Nations, they were looking for recruits to go to Lost Angels and fight down on the front lines of the vampire stronghold.  My heart almost jumped out of my chest, I would be done with the necessary classes next week and I knew that this was meant for me to go.  The timing was perfect, so I applied the next day.  I am just waiting to hear back from them, but the feeling I have is surreal as to what my future will soon hold.

June 2038
I was just informed last week that I was accepted to be part of the combat medic program headed for Lost Angels.  I was so excited, I couldn't wait to tell my grandma Lenny and my Uncle AJ.  I thought for sure my uncle AJ, seeing how he had been in the war and all, was going to be so proud of me and back me all the way.  Well I was surprised and disappointed that he among everyone was the my strongest opponent in following through with this mission.  I don't understand the double standard, HE could go but I couldn't.  Maybe it was the old Indian way of looking at women, we stay home and chew on buffalo hide while the men go out and represent and go down in history for their heroic acts.  Well this is a different time and now us women have to be on the same playing field as men, especially concerning these supernatural matters.  Our life isn't as it used to be, and never will be again until we have exterminated each and every one of these bloodsucking bastards and their freakish counterparts.  I will make it my PERSONAL business to play a big part in doing so, in the name of my sister I am willing to give everything up, just to feel decapitated vampire's head in my hands I will do ANYTHING for this end, and hopefully some relief from the grief and anguish I feel fully EVERYDAY since my sister was lost to me forever.

Aug 2038
It's been a very busy couple of months I have had very little free time and just pen a few words to my family back home letting them know I'm fine and things are going well so far.  I'm on a United Nations Special Operations Command team and we have been training hard at a place know as Fiddler's Green we are suppose to move out soon on our first mission I'm real excited haven't had the briefing yet so I'll tell you all about it when I get back Ah ho!

I'm back, but most of the team didn't make it, even the Colonel who has spend many years in combat is still out there I don't think there is a body to recover our mission was to explore the beach area from Lost beach to Lost Vegas somewhere out there they suspect was a secret lab people disappearing body parts missing stuff like that, all we knew was it was in an industrial building near the water.   Our team been on patrol for most of the day when we can upon two women at least we thought they were women, The Colonel was speaking to one of them for a long time before she attacked it was so sudden we hardly had a chance to react I think I was able to get a shot or two off with my shotgun before I was knocked unconscious when I awoke I found I was the only surviver.  The entire team was dead killed by some sort of high level witch I probably will never know what really happened I made a call to HQ in New York the General can only say that intel says it was probably a magician name of eve but they can't tell me if another team is coming out or what my orders are now just stand by. 

Sept 2038
orders have never come and I'm alone and running short of supplies even calls on the comm unit to the New York operation base are going unanswered.  I've decided to go into the city and seek help there is a church that has some friendly residents  I've met a few one is a blond lady name of Roary and a really nice looking man name of Ruari  I'm going to go back and try to meet with them again soon.   Got to remember to write to uncle AJ too let him know I'm OK,  going give this a few more weeks if I can't find work as a medic I will return to the reservation.

Just came back from the church didn't see anyone about so I went upstair looking for Ru he was up there standing nude and there was another man up there with him the man disappeared as soon as I entered and Ru was very surprised and embarrassed that I saw him.  I wonder if he is a winkte?  I left right away the next day I saw Ru again this time his wings had been cut off I asked him what had happened and he said a man did this to him,  I didn't say anything about the incident before and he didn't tell me anything more.  Later Roary told me someone or something has been stealing angel feathers.   I wonder if it has anything to do with the lab we were looking for weeks ago.  I think I will suit up and do some searching on my own see if I can find out anything. 

Jan 2039 
I found my diary and my personal effects where I had hid them I didn't think I would ever see them again, it's late I will try to get a few hours of sleep before heading out try to reach Lost Vegas and friends hope they can help hid me out.  I did find a very suspicious looking warehouse with what looked like a medical torture chamber inside but something found me as well.  A vampire clan leader Mistress Darling head of the house of Set the oldest of all the vampire clans  she took me as a blood doll and prisoner back to her house on the Island of Damnation. That is where I have been these long months.  The warrior woman who came to fight vampires was now a slave pet to the son of a very ancient and cruel vampire.  It's been a horrible few months I can't even begin to talk about it,  if it wasn't for Master Bishop I wouldn't have survived the experience he may be a blood-sucking soul-less murderer but he was the only one to treat me with anything close to respect I'm sure his mother would have killed me months ago if it wasn't for him.  Still I couldn't stand it there any longer yesterday I made my escape and now I have to run and run and run.  If I can make it back home I will but I have a friend in Lost Vegas and I think she might be able to help me. 

Lara hid me and called a friend to help to my surprise and horror he is a vampire as well.  Lordserver Dirkle took me to his private island and I'm now a guest who can not leave, The house of Set has a kill on sight order out for me I am told and my old master Bishop is out looking for me as well I guess I am as safe as I can be considering the circumstances but I'm very worried about the future I don't know if I will ever make it home now.

Feb 2039 
I saw Master Bishop today he came to visit Lord Dirkle I guess they know each other by whatever ways it is that vampires know of one another.  They spent a long time together negotiating my fate now Lord Dirkle has just asked me to make a decision  stay with him forever or go back with Master Bishop his mother will not kill me and the order has been resinded if I promise never to run away again.  I have one hour to decide.  I choose to return to Damnation Island if ever I have a chance to escape I will regardless of what promises I am forced to make I won't be able to return to my homeland if I stay here but if I go back I might have a small chance in the future to get away. I'm going to have to hide this diary now I can't take it with me so I will leave it with Lara telling her if anything happens to me she should try and get it to my family.  Let them know that if I get away from the house of Set again I'm going to go to the church and see if my friend Roary and and Angels can help me with any luck I'll be seeing them soon.

some Winter day  in Toxian City

We have it in our power to begin the world over again.
Sometimes it seems like this city is out to beat us up, put us down, and lead us terribly astray. Even those of us who have lived here for awhile  can't help but feel let down sometimes by it's impersonal and often contradictory nature.  But more often than you might expect, if you just open up and let the city happen to you, you'll find that Toxian is actually your most reliable -- and most exciting -- old friend.
I've been channeling my memories trying to recreate in full my old Diary from the time when well when I was alive.   It seems like ages and ages ago  back in the City of Lost Angels I lost my diary after I left Lord Dinkle Castle,   for a few weeks I was back being the pet of Master Bishop but he seemed distant and uninterested in me, I realize that my presence created serious problems between him and his mother their was noted tension around christine and she was not welcome around the family.  Over time there relationship got even worse and one day while away from her master she ran into a vicious demon like pet of one of her Master's brother's and while they were part of the same family the creature attack Christine and defeated her.  Christine fate was now sealed it was decided that the brother would have the opportunity to rape and murder her, but he delayed doing so leaving Christine bound up nude
in front of the gate of the Compound of Set.  After a day and a half of awaiting her fate a stranger happened along help me please she begged and he did, he cut her bonds and set her free. Christine ran for the bridge it didn't matter that she was nude all she wanted was to get as far away as possible.  She made it to the Church and hid there her friends in the Choir brought her clothes and later brought her to the Syndicate where she hopes to find safety and a place to stay.  Other friends brought her a trunk of clothes and weapons that she had kept hidden for occasions like this.  Now she is fully armed fully dressed and ready to begin  her life a new. 

My life in the Syndicate was exciting and wonderful I went on special operations to gather intel on the House of Set doing a scuba infiltration of Vampire Island,  And I was part of the team that lead an attack on the Pack secret Airbase  blowing it up although we did not find the hidden lab  that was supposively hidden there. The day after the mission I awoke early and went off to the wastelands approaching from the west Kindred Bay side the first building I explored was a two story wooden house with a number of rooms upstairs I found a symbol of a winged cat on the wall  and some rooms with a bunk bed and some comfortable funiture but for the most part many of the rooms were bare with no sign of anyone living there. In the kitchen area there was a suspicious looking package that looked like it could be explosives (This I left alone)   As I  explored the southwestern side of the building I found a latter that went to a second floor sundeck Next to a large sign that said APOLLO from the sundeck there was a second latter that went to the roof there was a heavy duty secuity door with a touch pad lock combo but the door wasn't secure, inside was a Large screen TV a medical table with IV  located in a area that had some pull back modesty curtains that were blood stained  the rest of the room was rather bare except for a sofa a rug and a bed.   My mistake was spending time playing with the TV I was trying to get the remotes to work playing the the cable box seeing I could pull up True Blood or some other HBO show when I heard voices outside the door. It was too late at that point the door opened and in walked the Lycan warlord Nequael and her boyfriend Race.
Now I usally am able to set my com unit to record to create for me a record of conversations to refer to but in the course of the interrogation my com unit got stepped on so I will have to try and do this from memory.

So to the best of my recollection they looked like they didn't expect to find me there that they were coming in to use the bed but as soon as Nequael saw me she remembered me right away from the mission the day before she didn't say anything just stopped and stared at me and smiled.  There was a few seconds of complete silence as we stared at each other then I started to talk trying to make it appear all so normal I think I say oh Hi Race Hi Nequael Glad you made bail I see, well nice place you got here your TV is not working too well I'll go see if I can find someone who can fix it.  Race just closed the door at first he didn't remember me because I was still wearing the blond wig from my work as a stripper the night before but Nequael remember she said
"Oh, its you. Kind of odd you coming here. You know its my vow to kill everyone who attacked me yesturday...i guess you're first on the list!"
I tried to talk my way out of it by minumizing the role I played Oh was that you I barly got a chance to see I was far behind what was happening Sorry about my mates guess they just didn't want you getting in the way of what they were planning anyway it turned out OK right you got arrested for stealing Donuts or  something  Nequael then said  "That was me you barely got a chance to see, that you was far behind what was happening. Now. Our prized airship got blown up that very same day...I cant help but wonder if your lot had something to do with it. Got something to confess, lady?"
Well I confess I had nothing to do with what happened to you like I said I was far behind that action...
"You were still there, you still endorsed it, you didn't do anything to prevent me from getting taken out. Now...confess something, and you can go. Else...well you'll be in here a long, long time."
Really you let me go? Ok what do you want to know (At this point I was getting a little desperate I didn't believe they would just let me go but I also wasn't going to give them any information if I could help it)
So in terms of our airship. Who, when and why?"
Ok I'll tell you but lets keep it friendly alright I couldn't possibly defend myself against just one of you much less both of you so I'm not even going to try OK
 "When am I not friendly? Spill."
 My friends blame the pack for a series of attacks against humans taking various body parts they suspected that you had some lab somewhere where you were planning on building a super Lycan So the raid was in response to that
 "Okay...and your friends would be who?"
(I try to delay)  I was just along for Medical support in case someone got hurt (Then misdirect) OK my friends are the Collective: We were working with some help from the Coven who had been doing some spying of the area
 Nequael  looking over her shoulder at Race. "We're kind of alligned with the Collective." "I saw no Collective there, i saw a whole bunch of Syn and Choir." She steps closer still, drawing her hand back, and slashing at me cutting thru my shirt  "Truth..." She growls.
 OK OK can't blame be for trying
(I had to admit it) yes it was the Syndicate and and Choir
That's the truth I'm giving
 "So, you're saying that the Syn and Choir blew up our airship?"
"Okay, thats good. Information is you;re saying they suspect us of stealing their parts to make a...super lycan? Well that doesn't make the least bit of sense. Humans are food. Nothing more."
Look I'm just telling you what I heard maybe it's the demons who are doing that I don't know for some reason they thought It was you
...whats your name?"
Race says: "Christine? So that's where I recognise you from. You were prowling around here before... I made you my guest and you fucking flash bombed me and ran away when Cas turned up. So you -were- up to something!"
 Look I can go and tell them we got it wrong you guys didn't have anything like that going on you can get a formal apolgy I'm sure
and I can apologize for that right now I told you Race that was just a mistake I wasn't trying nothing TRUTH
Nequael looks at me saying "Okay Christine. I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to hurt you a lot. Then you're going to limp back to the Syn...i say limp because i'm going to cut your fucking leg off. You're going to tell them that they are all going to die horrible, painfull deaths for what they did to me, and what they did to the ship...okay?"
"Ah is there some other way some other service I can do for you"
I'm willing to do whatever you want just please don't cut me up
( I was really getting desperate at this point)
Race  punches the door and says "Damn, she can't give her report if I cut her tongue out!"
 "Nope...dont want no fuck puppets. Go to the Brood for that...its not the Packs style." She looks to race and says "I'll pin a note to her."
 Race please (I beg) you know I'm not a bad person please don't hurt me
 She attacks me ((Christine Drachios has been defeated by Nequael Quan))
 "Well i'm not going to kill were nice enough to spill your guts for us. But now...i have no excuse to spill your guts." She looks back to race, grinning. "I'm on a fucking roll..."
"So what -are- you going to do?"
 "I'm going to cut a line down her abdomen, so her intestines are exposed, then hang a noose around her neck and drop her from the roof."
(while they are talking I try to  speak quietly into my com unit "jenny I say I've been capture)
 Race see me says "Damn." he pulls  his knife,and slashes at my hand I drop it and he'd stomp on it, smashing it into pieces.
 Alright no more tricks just please don't hurt me
"I want to keep it short and sweet. We've got things to do at home, remember?" She winks at him, before walking over to Christine, reaching out with her sword weilding hand to peirce it through the material of her shirt,
 You can put the sword away please Mistress If you want me to undress I will
(The word Mistress upsetted Nequael)  "Oh my god...GROSS!" She retches. "I'm out...cut off her tongue, Race. Quickly."
No No please don't I'm sorry no don't do that
 I curl up on the sofa trying to protect my face
"Cut it out, Race...then throw her off the roof."
 "Come now Christine. Give in and you'll make this a lot easier on yourself. If I have to cut your whole bottom jaw off, I will."
 I struggle with the powerful lycan as I try to protect myself
"No. An order is an order. And you're leaving here either without a tongue, or without a jaw. Rest assured that the first can be healed, and the second may be lethal."
 I throw a few punches but it's useless he is too powerful
 Race Graves gets punched a few times, and growls.Then  he attacks.
((Christine Drachios has been defeated by Race Graves))
 "Now, open your fucking mouth." before aiming a harsh kick at the woman's face.
 I stare up at him tears streaming down my face and I slowly open my mouth
 Holstering one knife, he reaches down, attempting to put his hand in the woman's mouth. If successful, he would grab her tongue. Then his other hand would come down, knife still held, and he would attempt to put the knife point-first into the womans mouth. Provided he was sucessful with all of this, he would begin cutting her tongue. Pressing the edge of the blade to the base of her tongue, and making a slight sawing motion, it would hopefully cut through  A hand then a knife is forced into my mouth I am so scared my heart is racing the knife is cutting my mouth and blood is starting to flow I try to jerk away but his grip is too strong I'm screaming but only a gurggling sound come out then my tongue or a large piece of it falls to the floor I pass out from shock and pain

I wake later I'm ouside laying face down on the ground  the remains of my shirt has been stuffed into my mouth and has help to stop the bleeding I slowly start to crawl my way back to the bunker, It's nighttime by the time I reach it I don't know how many hours had past at least eight since it was just past noon when I encountered them.  I find another comm unit and flash an emergency distress call. Jenny arrives and ask me what happened I point to my mouth and show her the wound she hands me a piece of paper and I write out Nequael  Jenny later takes me to the Hospital  and I don't recall much after that. 

It took the work of a Angel to heal me after that and I was out of action for a week recovering my strength but as soon as I could I went back into the badlands trying to find Nequael and Race's  hidden Den  it was a bad decision I should have waited or waited for orders,  it resulted in me being captured by a pack of werewolfs  what followed was ugly Christine was dismembered by the werewolfs and what wasn't eaten was taken and left before the Syndicate headquarters.  That was the end of my human existence  I don't know how long it took but I had a dream of going towards a bright light which turned into a set of golden doors.  The doors open and inside was a a man sitting at a desk he had wings and sat relaxed in a big comfortable chair  and was writing in a book or maybe a ledger.  Looking up at me  he turned around what he was working on and pushed it towards me  "Sign here"  he said,   I signed the book  I don't know why I didn't say anything to him  I had lots of questions but remained silent which was really unusual for me,   "This is your assignment"  he said  and handed me a paper that said  Toxian City.  "Go through the door you just came in from  look for a human name of Ignis  he will show you what you need to do."  Then he went back to writing ignoring me our business being concluded I turn and walked out the golden doors and started to fall  when I landed I was here at the welcome center and that was my first day here in Toxian.

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