Thursday, March 3, 2011

How I got kicked out of the Righteous

Christine Drachios is kicked out of the Righteous after being accused of being a whore to the High Priestess Joenta  she also upset  the family  when  she  walked passed  Savannah Porterfield  who's  apparently lifeless body  was being dragged down the street,   Rather  than  go to give her Aid  Christine  made a joke about it  and walked away,   mainly because she and Savannah has a history of hostility to one another,  still this was  another mark against her.  While Denny was  calling the Righteous to the Church  for a trial,  the person accused of these crimes  was having her own  difficulties Kaira Diesel-Bellah had  trapped her alone on the Docks and bound her up  dragging her first to the Fish Co.  trying to feed her to the cats.  The  Prowlers were not interested in such a gift  and  in frustration Kaira Diesel dragged Christine off to the woods  to cut  a message into her back for Denny.   In the mean time  the Righteous  are wondering what has happen to Christine and have made several calls to her to come to the church.  After a quick torture session Christine is rescued by a Feline name of Sam,   and  after grabbing a fresh shirt she  runs to the church  where Denny and the Righteous are waiting for her.  

on the street near the pit

[17:59]  Quiet Super Fun Cool Cat  (quiet.thunders) tilts her head and stops. droping the leg she leans down and looks for the sourse of the ringing. After finding hte cellphone she picks it up and takes a look blinks and starts to tap out a reply into the phone.
[18:01]  Raven (raven.naopolitana) hops from rooftop to rooftop, keeping his eyes on Quiet trying to figure out just what the hell she's up to, squinting to see if he can see any details on Savannah but can't see that far, he's a wolf not a hawk.
[18:01]  Christine Drachios walks down the street and see Joenta friend the Cat lady dragging what looks like a dead lady,... Taking a closer look I see it's the new Vampire that joined our family recently,...."Opps : I say "Oh well can't do anything for her now,"
[18:02]  Christine Drachios smiles can't help but say it, "Oh wow look what the cat dragged in"
[18:02]  Christine Drachios giggles and continues to walk down the street
[18:03]  Savannah Porterfield was dead, which was probably a good thing, because she would soooo epically jump up and kick chris's ass now.
[18:03]  Quiet Super Fun Cool Cat  (quiet.thunders) looks up tilts her head.. thinks for a moment " well the important thing is to remember recycling is important
[18:03]  Christine Drachios Giggle Giggle
[18:11]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel): "The shadows follow you and see your weaknesses... in the day, and in the night... the brighter your light shines, the greater the Shadows that dance before you shall be." she grins, and narrows her eyes upon the familiar one. "The time has come for all the Magpie's pigeons to dance hmm?"
[18:13]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel): ((go /9on if you're shooting me :P ))
[18:13]  You: Oh sorry
[18:14]  You: I didn't see you didn't expect anyone to be standing behind me so sorry

[18:17]  Christine Drachios puts her gun away feels foolish to have had someone come up on her without her noticing problem with relying on these glasses become less aware of my surrounding, "Dance? I'm afraid I don't know what you mean hon." Is my light shining bright I always thought I was the dull one of our group.
[18:18]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel) tilts her head and smiles, "It means, you dance for me... and when I say stop... you nod to me politely and do so." she draws her weapon, a similar one to the angel's though of another design. "And if you resist, I shall launch forth an array of bullets that shall accomplish the same... it is your choice. Come willingly and dance upon my hook, or else come unwillingly, and it shall occur in any case."
[18:42]  Celestria Magic leans up ward and look's at kaira..." dear dark sister you dont need to bring gifts to us for know you are alwasy welcomehere for all the nip you desire...please come in and help yourself"
[18:42]  TigaLily (khalily) looks at the stranger and back at the shadow feeling and sneezes a bit before hiding her face in Sam's leg
[18:42]  Sam Fisher (samfisher.yarbrough) pats lilys head gently and watches
[18:42]  Celestria Magic wonder's to myself if it's trend now to have a dragging bodie as a accesories here in toxia
[18:43]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel): "It is unusual to have such prey denied. Come... let us play with it, as feline's should with the winged ones hmm" she flicks her gaze between the one that growls, and Celest, letting a grin slip over her lips. "As times of old hmm?"
[18:45]  Celestria Magic grin's and is eager tp punce the helpless femal all bond and gang like some hentai anime cartoon ..but then resist's the urge" nahhhhh....we just had dinner on some toxia fish from the days catch and we are just lounging around the fish co taking naps and bonding sister...but thank you ever so much for the offer"
[18:58]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel) drags her to the trees and drops the leash, flicking from her wrist a shadow stalker blade. Reaching into her pocket she begins to hone this blade, and looks down at the girl. "Seems you are not wanted." she grins. "But I want you... hmm?" she leans over her and attempts to slice the back of her top open, to reveal her back.
[19:00]  Sam Fisher (samfisher.yarbrough) slightly pokes his head over the tree branch, keeping out fo sight
[19:00]  Christine Drachios manage to crawl up onto my knees again just in time to feel her blade slice my top off,... "What do you plan on doing to me?" I ask in a worried voice
[19:01]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel): "Well if even the felines don't want you.. then perhaps you are substandard meat hmm? So you shall carry a message to your precious Magpie." she growls, and tries to put her knee upon her neck, so that she can carve her back.
[19:02]  You: Hey I can tell him whatever you want him to know but hear me out first please
[19:03]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel) is poised over the prone back of the female, and unless she had struggled away, she would wait until she speaks. "Very well... speak... and hurry up." she hisses the last of the words to her darkly
[19:04]  Christine Drachios I'm scared and know that I am about to be hurt but want to try to make a bad situation from becoming a disaster at least for me,....Denny can't stand me I'm about to get kicked out of the Righteous so if you want to send him a message I'm not the messenger for that he really doesn't care if you kill me or not."
[19:04]  Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) is Online
[19:05]  You: If you want to punish me I'm also in deep shit with the Coven I would rather you give me to them for punishment than send me to Denny who would only laugh at my pain: I cheated the high priestess out of a curse and she doesn't want to see me again
[19:06]  Kaira Diesel-Bellah (kaira.diesel): "Then it will be up to you to make sure I do not also hold that against you and make sure you suffer for not delivering my message. It amuses me that one of your kind does not care for you either." she says, and unless the girl stops her, she begins to carve letters. "Punishment from the Coven?" she says laughing. "Since when does a Church goer laugh at the pain of an angel?" she continues to carve if she doesn't stop her. 'Magpie can...'
[19:31]  You: Sorry I'm late she comes running into the chruch hair all messed up blood stains on her shirt back,.. dirt and blood on her face,..."Did I miss anything?"
[19:32]  Torakoun Sands tries to scritch Sav on the top of the head, "We will see..."
[19:32]  Tanpopo Tenshi (tanpopo.demonia) frowned a bit. "You know you can talk to me to, right?" She whispered back
[19:32]  Denenthorn Masukami looks at Christine and makes a finger motion for her to come towards him, "Stand before us, Christine..." the voices order her
[19:32]  Raven (raven.naopolitana) calmly and in a low tone, "Chris you might not want to sit down. Could you come to the center aisle please?"
[19:33]  Christine Drachios Tries to catch her breath and sits down far away from the rest of the Righteous,...Until she hears Denny call her,
[19:33]  You: Yes Boss
[19:33]  Torakoun Sands blinks a few times, and she pulls out her phone looking curiously at it. She holds it down to Sav, the 'from' being from Sav anyway, just so that she can read the message.
[19:33]  Miza (mizaki) walks in and stands next to Max all confused.
[19:34]  Savannah Porterfield nods and lays her head back on Tora's knee, watching Chris walk toward the front.
[19:34]  ღⓄff ţhe ℜadarღ (derinda.riegler) returned the confused look to Miaz, peering over to Raven with a worried expression watching as Chris walked into the church to the center isle
[19:34]  Christine Drachios walks up the Asile and stands before Denny quietly
[19:34]  Raven (raven.naopolitana) sighs as Chris moves past him and Tan and calmly moves over to the side, closer to Denny
[19:35]  Denenthorn Masukami looks down at Christine as the church begins to rumble anew beneath the feets of The Righteous, "Do you know why you are here right now?" he asks in a furious rage
[19:35]  You: I suspect it's because I am in trouble again
[19:36]  Denenthorn Masukami snarls, "You are here because you dishonor us!!" he roars, "Prepare to stand as your transgressions are placed before you!!!"
[19:37]  Christine Drachios Stands quietly head slightly bowed not saying a word
[19:37]  Torakoun Sands lays her ears back, her attention on the front of the church again. she tries to absently work her fingers through Sav's hair as she watches.
[19:38]  Savannah Porterfield watches the front of the church, watching, not moving a single muscle as she listens.
[19:38]  Denenthorn Masukami looks at Christine, "We hereby accuse you of being UnRighteous and dishonorable towards your peers.... How do you plead?" the voices ask Christine
[19:38]  Tanpopo Tenshi (tanpopo.demonia) stood not too far behind Christine. Her arms folded as her eyes where trained on her.
[19:38]  ღⓄff ţhe ℜadarღ (derinda.riegler) cringed heaing Denny's roar lowing her head and leaning in slightly to Miza, shimmying closer to her feeling slightly uneasy as she listened carful to all that was been said.
[19:39]  FlaMei is Offline
[19:39]  DCS 2.99.19: Derinda Riegler OOC:  bah! brb real quick....damn thing called rl -.-
[19:40]  You: Christine is taken by suprise by the charge and says Softly "I,...I stand mute I will not plead to this charge"
[19:40]  Miza (mizaki) strokes Max's wing and watched completly dumb folded at the turn of events.
[19:41]  FlaMei is Online
[19:41]  Denenthorn Masukami roars, "So you will not even try to defend yourself when we accuse you of being a whore to an evil mistress within The Coven?!" the voices rumbles as the very windows shake, "You dare stand and not even try to prove me wrong?!!!!"
[19:43]  Raven (raven.naopolitana) cringes at the words Denny roared, remaining quiet his gaze moving from the ground to Chris and back
[19:43]  You: I gave you a report that said I ended that relationship it was the price I had to pay to get the Curse pills for the family
[19:44]  Savannah Porterfield cringes as Denny yells and scoots back a bit, scooting closer to Tora.
[19:45]  Denenthorn Masukami growls, "You ended and kissed her feet.... You let her treat you like a dog!!!" he roars, "We never wanted nor asked for Curse pills!!" the voices add, "If we wanted to curse someone we'd just use our own priests!!!"
[19:46]  Raven (raven.naopolitana) out of instinct whips his head at the dog comment, but then relaxes and returns his gaze to the ground.
[19:46]  Torakoun Sands keeps scritching at sav's head, her own ears lain back to cut down some of the volume.
[19:46]  Tanpopo Tenshi (tanpopo.demonia) remained unflinching from Denny's words. Her only movement was to loft her brow once more at the accusedm her lips pressed in a thin line
[19:47]  Christine Drachios stands in front of Denny blood dripping down her back onto the carpet "You could have given them back to me if that is the case and I could have returned them to her and have done with it, "
[19:49]  Denenthorn Masukami holds his hands open, "We never received pills so your argument is moot!!!" the voices roar, "Think of a better reason as to why you were kissing her feet like a whore bitch!!!!!!"
[19:49]  乇んノ (elizeth.leitner) looks at Chris and lowers her head.
[19:50]  Tanpopo Tenshi (tanpopo.demonia) finally did speak up. "she did give them to us, I posted in a notice that they where in the Desk drawer..." she said quietly.
[19:50]  Savannah Porterfield's head jerks up as the scent of blood reaches her nose. She wraps an arm around Tora's leg and bites her lip hard, her fangs piercing the flesh and she sucked her lip between her teeth to suck her own blood, still watching.
[19:50]  You: I gave the report to tan and told her they are in the desk in the back office Also Moon has one and Max has one I gave it to them
[19:50]  Denenthorn Masukami gives Tanpopo a glare that could melt steel
[19:51]  Denenthorn Masukami rorars, "Did I tell you to make a deal with Toxia's most dangerous witch?!!!!!"
[19:52]  You: It's OK Tan I say turning to my sister,... We all know this is not about the pills,....No you didn't you told us to go kick some demon ass,...and that is what I'm trying to do you think I'm able to take them on in a fight disel Sandra Amanda and others they are to powerful for me I was trying to use my head
[19:53]  Torakoun Sands keeps scritching Sav's head, but if she didn't notice, tora would be trying to get her fingers tangled into the hair so that she could get a quick hand hold if she needed too.
[19:53]  Tanpopo Tenshi (tanpopo.demonia) looked down at Denny's Gaze. She still remained unfliching, her arms still folded.
[19:54]  You: With those pills if I can get Esso to take one I could even bring him in they will defeat anyone through love,...which is the way we should fight evil
[19:56]  Denenthorn Masukami growls, "Very well...." the voices say, "Now if you say it was to help kick demon's ass.... We also said kick Shadow's asses..." he says, "Which you named some just then..." the voices snarl, "so explain to me as to why you left one of your sister beaten and bloody in the streets after Shadows had beat her to a bloody pulp?!!!"
[19:57]  You: Your right I did not go to her aid,...
[19:57]  Denenthorn Masukami snarls, "Why?"
[19:59]  You: Perhaps I should have,....but I am still angry at that sister for attacking me and beating me down in the street when I had my back turned and was walking away,...Your voice came into my head a couple of days ago and said move away form the pit She is doing something for me, And that is what I did before I got jumped by her
[20:00]  Denenthorn Masukami shakes his head, "And yet you did not inform us of this?" he asks beginning to grow even angrier
[20:00]  Raven (raven.naopolitana) burst out hearing the accusation of Sav, "My sister doesn't jump anyone for no reason..." looks up to Denny and calms down, "Sorry sir."
[20:00]  You: No I did not want to get her into trouble what problems we have are between us and do not need to involve the family
[20:01]  Savannah Porterfield's body stiffens further, gripping Tora's leg harder. "You heard a voice in your head... I assumed you were possessed." she says almost growling, pulling against Tora's hold on her hair, her eyes locked on the blood dripping.
[20:01]  Torakoun Sands hmphs and keeps scritching her hand down deeper into sav's hair.
[20:01]  You: Maybe she had a reason Raven, but if she did I'm not aware what it is
[20:01]  Denenthorn Masukami roars, "You should not have allowed those issues to come between you and saving a fellow Righteous!!!!" the voices roar practically breaking the glass around the church
[20:02]  DCS 2.99.19: Derinda Riegler OOC:  back >.< sorry guys
[20:02]  You: Me save someone? she was being dragged by That funny cat lady I couldn't defeat that person in her sleep what help could I have offered her
[20:03]  Denenthorn Masukami glares deeply at her, "Did you even consider outsmarting her as it was you that said that is what you had Curse pills for?"
[20:03]  You: I might have tried that but unfortunitly I gave all my pills to tan
[20:04]  Denenthorn Masukami growls, "We were using those as example you could've thought of other way!!!"
[20:05]  You: Perhaps I should have tired to think the other way as you say instead I choose to walk the other way it was a mistake I agree
[20:08]  Denenthorn Masukami nods, "A mistake you are now going to pay for..." the voices say as they land, "You are hereby found guilty of all charges..." the voices add, "you have one way to gain your honor back from us..." the voices say as he points, "defeat me in combat and I will let you stay... lose and say goodbye to your family..."
[20:12]  You: I hardly think I am capable of such a feat but if you want me to try sure why not
[20:13]  You: Before I try this I have one last thing to say,...Christine says in a soft voice The reason I was late coming here was because One of the shadow wanted to give Denny this message,..She grips her shirt and pulls it from her body, revealing a bloody words carved into her back,...Denny sucks Donkey Dick! While she is facing Denny the others in the room have a clear view of the words,.."I don't know what the message is but I think I might agree with it,...For in truth I have done nothing wrong but have always tried hard to be a good member of the Righteous, While you Denny are a disgrace!" "My first day in the family you made me strip nude on the alter. And now you float above me and call me unrighteous,....I think you are possessed of some sort of evil Denny that is why so many of our members are leaving, It's because of you and we all know it.'
[20:14]  Miza (mizaki) moves closer to Max as she pulls her arms and mutters,"This sucks."
[20:14]  Savannah Porterfield feels Denny's glare but keeps struggling. She snaps her mouth shut, but a growl erupts from her throat, baring her fangs as she twists and jerks against Tora.
[20:14]  Christine Drachios I pull my hair back so that the Righteous can read what my back says
[20:14]  Raven (raven.naopolitana) slowly steps back after hearing Chris's words, knowing that this is gonna be ugly.
[20:14]  Denenthorn Masukami holds his hands out, "Who here wishes to leave and bring these transgressions before me?" he asks, "Open your mouths!..." he adds and then looks to Christine, "you may die when ready whore of Joenta..."
[20:17]  You: Well lets get this over with then
[20:17]  DCS 2.99.19: Christine Drachios smites down Denenthorn Masukami
[20:17]  DCS 2.99.19: The spell "Punishment (6)" requires a target name.
[20:17]  Denenthorn Masukami holds his hands out now drawing weapon
[20:17]  DCS 2.99.19: Denenthorn Masukami fires a barrage
[20:17]  DCS 2.99.19: Christine Drachios calls for the vengeance of the gods
[20:17]  DCS 2.99.19: Denenthorn Masukami penetrates Christine Drachios
[20:17]  DCS 2.99.19: Christine Drachios lets out a powerful blast at Denenthorn Masukami
[20:18]  DCS 2.99.19: Denenthorn Masukami delivers the gods conviction on Christine Drachios
[20:18]  DCS 2.99.19: Christine Drachios bombards the area
[20:18]  DCS 2.99.19: Christine Drachios ability backfires on them hurting them.
[20:18]  DCS 2.99.19: Christine Drachios was defeated by Denenthorn Masukami
[20:19]  Denenthorn Masukami looks down at Christine's unconscious form, "Goodbye Christine.... Never let me see your face around here again..." he says and turns around

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