Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The End

The Righteous Are No More

Good Evil
Righteous Shadows

The Shadows have won, what is left of the Righteous are

a small handful all the rest are gone. This is sad news

I always believed that what made Toxian so unique was

the conflict of good vs Evil. Without A force to counter the

shadows light will fade and the city will become ever darker.

If I had my way I would go to Drake of the Shadows and ask

that he send Esso and Kaira to go and finish it off take over

the Church kick Denny and Savannah out then burn the place

to the ground. Then quietly allow some of those who remain

Tora, Sal, Eli, to reform the group. A new Righteous in a

smaller less Grandiose headquarters, More like a storefront

church or something that would fit the fallen status of the Angels

Tox needs some good guys! Someone who is suppose to be

oppose to evil, without that element Tox loses a lot of it dark

charm and magic and becomes something less than what it was

Factions go up and factions go down but this is more like a suicide

Most all of the members left because of Denny and now that Tan

has left and Sav is second in command ((Correction!! tora not

Sav is SIC apology to Sav for the mistake I should have double

checked my information before posting)) the only hope an angel

has is that the Shadows will take the place down to the ground

and allow Kira, Jessica, Tora, Eli, Sal, and Ignis to start it over



  1. /9ooc This is a serious request I hope Miss reads it and consider the plan. Your building more to the Island now would be a good time to do this and the Church can become a ruin a wrecked decayed shell of what it once was. A new store front chruch (with a nice garden in the back) would be nice. No cells or torture chamber please. Just a place where angels can be good and not sex slaves and whores. Because some of us would like a choice

  2. /9ooc I completly agree with Coven Angel.. A church and mostly the church in the city is supposed to be the light that fights against the dark but it's become worse then that. In it.. I agree, no cells, torture chambers or sex shit.. It's supposed to be light vs dark not fuck anyone you can..

  3. Quiet here. I always thought they should be more of a chaotically good group. Doing good at all costs. Even if that might be torturing a wrong doer or burning the library cause those books are evil. Seem s more fitting with the dark rp sim idea.

  4. A nice garden in the back??? Are you serious, come on this is Tox for Christ sake, its dead, nothing grows!! And Sav been 2iC I think Coven Angel needs to sort the facts out, Tora is second last I checked, Sav is and always will be a good rp'er, don't go hating just because shes hurt you icly a few times!!! ~Zoey~

  5. Your right a garden is not appropriate for Tox my thinking was something more spiritual than a jail cell or sex chair but a garden isn't it. And Yes a couple of people have pointed out the error of SIC and I have made the correction in the original post now and I apologize for rushing to post and not double checking my facts (sorry) Actually I agree she is a good RP'er and I'm sorry if people believe that I'm bitter about IC play actually I'm proud of the getting kicked out rp I think it was one of my best. My concern is the Righteous should be a Lawful/good or chaotic/good organization and it seems like it's not anymore.
