Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Crusify me pumps

Going to the Righteous to ask Tora a Favor

You: "Hello Tora no demons tonight I hope, how are you?"

Torakoun Sands looked a little tired, a little worn down and frayed along the edges, but she gives a nod to Christine, "Hello. what's with the outfit?" not saying answering the other question.

Christine Drachios Walks up to the church on the chance that she would run into Tora and with luck that is exactly what happen, she is wearing her new maid outfit which just arrived today, getting ready for the big event on Friday, still she wanted to finish her business with Tora "Oh Joenta is having another of her special dinners for the Prowlers on Friday I'm going to be one of the hostests just got the outfit ,...Christine does a small turn "You like it?"

Torakoun Sands lifts her lips in a feral snarl as soon as joe's name is mentioned, and she spits out, "No." and she turns to look away, her tail lashing back and forth angrily I don't want you around here if you insist on associating yourself with that demon, any demon, but expecially that demon."

Arachna Fallen runs up, "YOU HAVE A GAY ANGEL SERVING GOD!" she shouts then runs out

You: "Christine is surprised by Tora reaction and give a pouting face "I guess then asking if you would allow me to dominate you as one of my assignment from Joenta would be out of the question then?" Christine then looks up surprised by someone shouting something odd, "Gay Angel well duh! Didn't Jesus have two fathers" "That stuff goes way back especially in the Church isn't that right Tora."

Torakoun Sands stares at Christine, her ears still back, teeth still baring, and she slowly starts to reach for her weapons, "You have ten seconds to leave." by way of an answer.

You: Alright Tora I'll go then sorry to bother you hon and just let you know I forgive you for how you guys treated me I know much of that was my fault let me know if you change your mind on the domination thing ok hon, Christine smiles and waves then turns and walks away,

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