Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My roommate

What do I need to know about having a snake as a Roommate?

Christine Head Shot

I fell in love with a Witch who turned into a giant python! What do I need to know in how to handle a giant snake who is also my roommate? And how big do they get?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

I guess you mean your roommates has a python and Yes snakes are great pets as long as they are properly cared for. Most pet pythons and boa are between 5- 14 ft depending on the species, they require and environment where you can control the temperature, humidity, Snakes will continue to grow reguardless of the size of their home, It will grow until it is full grown, Some people think that if you keep it in a small tank it will stay small that is not true. Snakes are deaf, but they can sense sound vibrations. The moister of the snakes environment is critical, it helps the snake maintine its body tempature, and also helps the snake shed, When a snake sheds the scales over its eyes become cloudy and makes it hard for the snake to see,

Christine Head Shot

Thanks but no I mean my Roommate is a Python at least I think it's a Python anyway I will try to keep her warm and she is already over
ten feet from head to tail so I hope she doesn't grow too much larger thanks for the info....

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