Saturday, May 7, 2011

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) Tells Christine  that she is now a Demon

Christine is walking towards the north part of the city as she carefully goes by the Pit she looks up and see's her Mistress standing on the top of the building "What is she doing up there' she says to herself She stops and waves hoping to get her attention.

You: Hey! Christine calls out but looks around worried she already see one Shadow near the building she doesn't want to draw more but still she wants to get her Mistress attention maybe she is in trouble? Suddenly Joenta is on the street next to her "Ah there you are, are you OK?" :Why are you on the roof of the Shadows Headquarters?"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) That warm and friendly smile stretched across her lips as she felt the curse mark in Christine flicker flashes of their past coming back to her, not that she’d forgotten them it was just different now “hello Christine... shall we take a walk... back to the apartment... there is much to talk about...” the same voice as before but there was that something in the air that might have given someone the chills.

Christine watches as a shadow crosses behind her Mistress, she looks around cautiously not liking being so exposed out here on the street, "Yes of course, Mistress lets get out of here this place gives me the creeps" Remembering the time when she was tortured and had her eyes torn out in the building behind them

Christine Drachios Pulls off her hood as she steps into the apartment she is worried this is odd behavior for her Mistress,.. "Can I get you anything Mistress?"

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) draws a deep breath and lets out a low “mmm” sound looking around a bit, she looked back over towards Christine tipping her head back, those once deep brown eyes where not there, just cold icy blue emotionless orbs instead what seemed to have that ability to look right through a person as if they where not there at all leaving one to feel naked right down to the soul.

Christine is a little taken aback by her Mistress silence "Ahhhh, are you Mistress?" she manage to say, feeling very uncomfortable for some reason if she was still an angel she would know right away what is wrong but now she can't detect spiritual energies so she is going only by intuition "Come on Mistress lets get comfortable I sense you have something important to tell me."

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) “I am doing... very well now... actually feeling better then... ever...” she wiggled her fingers over towards the woman and let the brim of her hat again close down over her face. “Speaking of... getting comfortable... your still dressed...” she said in a suggestive tone of voice while walking towards her.

You: Yes Mistress my apologies would you care for us to move into the bedroom or shall we remain out her?" she asks as she starts to undress

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) watches her undressing moving closer to draw in her breath slowly as if sniffing her, she closed her eyes slightly “out here is fine... my dear... a great many things have changed... are you still loyal to me?”

You: Of course Mistress I will always be loyal to you why? Have I done something that makes you doubt me? Please tell me and I will change my behavior

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) she shakes her head slowly “No... you’ve been nothing but the best... for me... it’s that I’ve changed... there is still Joenta here yes... and I will keep that name... but... that demon she spoke of... that demon is me...” she shows her eyes again towards her and for a second a vision of something that had many scales across the face and wholly white eyes along with many horns flashes around her visage.

You: Christine sinks back into the sofa visually surprised and shocked by the change in her Mistress face, having not notice before because of their difference in height and her Mistress large brim hat,...."Your,.. your a demon?,....Christine is momentarily silent unable to say anything,...then she recovers and say, "Your still our leader right?" "Your still in the Coven?" Christine now realize that there might be another reason why her mistress was on the roof of the Shadow Headquarters."

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) shakes her head slowly “No... I would not have... fit the Coven any longer... it would have been bad for me to stay there... very bad... I am now... a part of the Shadows... I’ll not ask... anything more of you... then I have before... except maybe to join me... in the pit for some special fun... later...” she grinned towards her then let her lips shift back to that warm friendly smile.

You: "Oh Mistress,... Christine raises her hands and covers her face for a moment before recovering herself and turning to stare at her new form again. "I will remain loyal to you Mistress but I must also remain with the Coven I was just recently a Angel and I haven't been human for even a week as yet going beyond that, well it's too much for me to consider I can't see myself as a member of the shadows, but I still would want to be your special pet, I just ,.... I just don't know how with you being a demon that will work,... Can you promise me that you will keep me as I am 'Human' not try to change me into a demon or a imp or anything like that? If so then perhaps our special relationship can stay as is",.....Christine voice trails off as she stares disbelievingly at her Mistress Demon form.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) “I will not change you... nor expect you to follow where my trial... heads... stay in the Coven... I want you too...” she smiled a warm smile towards her but those icy blues seemed to spite the smile with their cold emotionless gaze. “Now then... I must feed...” she said leaning a little closer towards Christine “You’ll be my... first sense my return...”

You: Christine is relieved to hear her Mistress assurances and she believes her as trust has always been an important part of there relationship and Joenta has never broken her word, "Yes Mistress" Christine says standing up, "How how do you now feed?" she asks worriedly.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) “Finish... undressing...” she told her while her body started to pop a little the crack of bones is heard as the demon’s visage starts to show through twisting the little form of the human upwards, the demonic traits showing quickly.

"Yes Mistress" Christine whispers and quickly removes her panties as she watches in growing terror as her former lover starts to grow taller and more lizard-like." "Please tell me how did this come about why are you now a demon."

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) “Well Toxia... owes Legion for this...” she chuckled softly “Joenta... had sealed me off very well... parted my spirit... my essence... scattered me to the winds... part of her staff... blah blah blah blah...” she rolled her hand around her wrist a few times “But she trusted a part of it... to Lorne... and well... Legion is part of that... being...” she started to pace a little as she explained “someone... the other day called for... a soul or two... and Legion came to oblige... but that person... suddenly vanished... as Legion manifested... leaving Joenta there... and well... lets just say a part of me... was reinjected... took a little while after that... to... start drawing in the rest of my... fragments... creeping like a virus... back into my host.”

Christine can only nod her head she has no ideal what Joenta is talking about and is to scared to ask any more questions.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) she lifts her hand drawing her fingertips along her cheek the tips of her fingers having tiny claws sharp but not scratching more like she was caressing her as the many tendrils started to brush over her skin and wrap around her body pulling her a little closer “I feed on energy... that the body produces... emotions... all of it... pain... fear... pleasure... wonder...” her tail coiled around and took Christine around the waist tightly.

You: Christine watches her Mistress transform into some sort of monster she tries to hide her fear but her mouth has gone dry and her eyes have grown large in surprise,... The Tail suddenly wraps tightly around her drawing her up against her Mistress body,... Christine is too frighten to be her typical talkative self, instead she just keeps staring in shock,....

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) those wholly white eyes kept looking back into Christine’s wide eye stare and her lips turn upwards a little in a smile showing her sharp teeth, the two thicker green tendrils upon her back slide down and in between her legs where they enter both of her openings at the same time pushing deep into her twisting and turning within, the smaller tendrils start to sink into her flesh around her body only just slightly feeling like little bites. “Mmmm...” the smaller tendrils start a light glow coming from Christine and flowing into Joenta “your fear... is thick...”

You: Christine feels suddenly weak as she can't help staring into the eyes of her Mistress like a deer caught in the headlight of an oncoming vehicle,....."How how r r are you going to feed on me Mistress,...."She just manage to choke out as she turns her face away from a tentacles that caresses the side of her face,... Just then she feels other tendrils going up the inside of her thighs entering into her as if it was an expectant lover.": ohhhhh you cries out, caught by surprise, head turns back suddenly mouth open in a rigor of fright, eyes wide

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) the tendrils slowly pump in and out of her steadily apply pressure to her inner moist walls in just the right places “I am... feeding right now... your feelings... are becoming my energy...” the red glow kept coming out of Christine and trailing up the smaller latched in tendrils, the pain from them being pushed into her skin fading quickly, some of the smaller ones started to wrap and squeeze her breasts to force some of the built up milk out of her nipples to release that lulling flow of endorphins.

You: Oh………Ohhhhhh….Ohhhhhh…Ohhhhhhhhh She stood fidgeting, standing there, realizing to her embarrassment that her vagina is getting squishy wet between her breathing is coming is short gasps and is still very frighten, the change in her Mistress has thrown her off balance and she is scared of her Medusa like appearance but the stimulation of her sex and rear passages also have her highly developed sex energy moving up to an even higher level. Still she is too frighten and nervous to totally let herself go and enjoy any feelings her body is giving off.

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) she kept pushing those tendrils into her deeply and drawing then back the wetter she got the faster she did this each time twisting them into her so that they pushed against her each and every wall. The more pleasure that Christine seemed to be in the more those glowing tendrils drew out of her draining away the pleasure as it’s made keeping Christine locked at that very edge of orgasmic bliss but unable to fall over it. With her mouth wide open like that her tail twisted upwards and then drove into it to the point where the widening part of it sealed off her throat choking gagging her taking away her ability to breath while the rest of her body is being over stimulated by the many tendrils and she’s being milked.

Christine Drachios Wanting to say something anything to her Mistress, but was suddenly turned mute by the snake like tail which unexpectedly forced it's way into her slightly gaping mouth, "MMmmmmm" a muffled scream was all she managed as the penis-like aperture inched it's way down my throat

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) really enjoyed the look on her face watching her struggles as her body fought now to breath, she sucked the fear and pleasure from her as well as the pain it was all essence to her all a pitiable food to keep the demonic forces fueled, at last she pulled her tail back out allowing her to breath still gripping her breasts tightly to squeeze out her milk while the tendrils saw fucked into her now sloppy holes.

The three Tendrils twist and turn inside of me and every once in awhile would lift me off my feet fucking me in mid-air I can only hold on and let my Mistress turn me into a fuck doll a puppet for her apertures to prod and pump into

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) finally jerks the many smaller tendrils out of her skin leaving no wounds where the tendrils had pressed into her body but as she did this some of that red essence that was being pumped out flowed back into her while Joenta kept working those tendrils into her, it was like that edge of orgasmic bliss she’d been stuck on had just shattered while the pleasure pain and anything else she was feeling just came flowing back into her.

You: Ahhhh, As the tendrils are jerked out of her Christine feels overwhelm by all that had just happened, it's as if her whole life been telescoped into just this one moment and all her hopes, and dreams, and plans have been crushed literally fucked out of her, she is both overflowing with emotions and empty with the strength to deal with them, so she sinks back on the sofa and starts to gently cry to herself."

Joenta of Toxia (tish.topaz) her clothing melts away a few moments later as that massive orgasm she just went through seems to have totally crushed her, she carefully lays her down not letting her fall onto the couch and stands over her “You will get... use to it in time...” she reached down to try and brush away her tears softly careful of her claws “come... drink from my bosom... and feel refreshed...”

Christine leans up and presses her lips to her mistress green breast "Yes Mistress" she says weakly as she begins to draw milk from the hard nipple

"I'm Feeling a bit lost right now"

Lonely sit

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