Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Magic Ceremony in Planning

Coven Angel

Little Russ (russ.uxlay) nods, smiling softly as her attention comes back to Christine, "I-I imagine your shamanic r-rituals work something similar, r-ritualized movements impressing y-your intentions on reality. B-but my glyph r-rituals, it d-doesn't actually matter what is done- j-just the ritual act of p-planning and making the drawing is the ritual. W-with me so far? Q-questions?"

"In Lakota culture it's mostly ritual and prayers but doing things in the proper fashion is important you can't make contact with the spirit world if you don't follow the steps in the manner that has been passed down from generations to generations I know using glyph rituals are diffrent but I don't really know how they are done?"

Little Russ (russ.uxlay)seems interested as the student teaches the teacher. She smile warmly, "I-I see, it's more l-like witch magic. B-burn the right things, say the r-right things, dance naked under a f-full moon. Hmm- err, anyway! S-so, you've s-seem me w-work on my glyphs before... s-so we can do one of two things with this. The point of th-the lesson is ritual magic, and understand s-symbolism. I th-think, since you already h-have your own magic background... s-see if you can't apply some sympathetic magic- t-try designing a ritual that f-fits your shamanism. I-I guess that would entale looking at y-your former p-people's history and t-trying to craft a ritual around the culture. Or... if y-you want to be more d-devious... try and trick y-your ritual into w-working with the wrong symbolism. R-replace an element, m-make some sort of unperscribed change, and m-make the ritual still succeed."

You: Christine thinks back on all the rituals she has seen or been part of but none of that tradition really involved actual magic the Peyote ceremony or a sweat lodge ceremony are not really magical in the traditional sense of the word She thinks how she might be able to change that ceremony to make it something other something unexpected perhaps maybe even the wiwanyag wachipi ceremony she thinks, but how can she do that? She is not a Cnunpa carrier, or a wicasa wakan, being a woman she has never had a hanbleceya or has done the preparation necessary to be able to conduct an inipi ceremony althought she has participated and many of them. She wonders if she even knows how to build a proper lodge or find the right sintkala Waksu the special rocks to be used in it, there is a volcano here in Tox so she could use some of those but what sort of evil spirits or Unktehi monsters would dwell in stone brough up from the pit itself?!! She would also need to find Paha Sapa sticks cut from twelve white willow trees again something she would not be able to find here in Tox. She would need to make offerings to the Wind Essence The Tate the Yate the Yanpa and the Okaga, as well as to the six Grandfathers, and the Spirit helpers, And also to the pure nagi spirit beings Taku Wankan Mysterious walkesr of the Spirit world, Wakinayn The Thunderbird, Tatanka the Great Beast, Unktehi One who kills, Taku Skanskan He who changes things, and Tunkan the Venerable One. Then after all of this it's questionable if Wakan Tanka would accept her offerings would her Nagi be pure enough could it be pure enough after so long a time here among fat-eaters the two-legged here in Toxian here in the Coven. She sits down and thinks about it for a long time how to hold a ceremony here in the Coven Headquarters that would be open a door to the spirit world. She wonders....."I don't know how I can get it all done Russ it's so much work?"

Little Russ (russ.uxlay) nods, smiling wider, "I-I would be suspisious if you produced something t-to easily! D-don't be afraid to ask other C-covenites for help, b-but don't let them do all the work for you! L-learning is b-bashing your head against the problem until either it or y-your head bust, right?" She giggles softly.

((Christine decides to combine the peyote and sweat lodge ceremony and hold it upstairs if Her Mistress would permit it on the sacred circle it would be a family and invited guests only affair {time determined by what would fit the most members schedules} Roughly figuring about two hours for the rp. Each attending members would be giving a explanation of what sort of ceremony and what to expect it would go something like this You are personally invited to participate in a cleansing and reenergizing ceremony to be held XX at XX in the backroom of the voodoo shop. The ceremony will be based upon actual ceremonial practices and we ask that you keep your rp within the context of this structure. There will be no ranks Joenta will be consider just another among equals this will be a non-hostile and non-sexual rp although feel free to discuss any or all elements of that when it's your turn to share. There will be four rounds of sharing each person will be expected to speak in turn you may of course think out of turn but speaking will go in a clockwise manner around the circle. Christine will lead the ceremony but other than giving explanation and direction she will also follow the format. The round will proceed in the following manner First introductions each member will give their name and whatever detail information about themselves they wish to share with the group. After that has gone around to all members then the first round of prayers which will be things that you are thankful for,....As each member gives their own detail prayer to whatever higher power they worship and state for what they are thankful for Christine will pore the water on the hot rocks to create the steam for the sweat she may also sing (technical help for this part will be appreciated) (There will be additional rp possiblities added in that some of the rocks may come from the volcano in the Pit and would contain evil spirits that would be released by the ceremony rp up to individual participants) The second round we will pass the pipe around before the prayers begin so that our prayers will rise with the smoke to the creators ears. The second round we will pray for others people that we love, people that we miss, people who have died etc. At the end of this round a bucket of dried mushroom buds will go around the circle everyone will eat a peyote button. The next round is for yourself you will pray for the things you need and want, while this round is going on you will feel the effects of the peyote which will at first feel like a upset stomach that will result in you vomiting. Christine will attend to each member cleaning up the vomit. By the last round you will be fully spiritually open to whatever spirituality your character follows. Literally a door way opens for you and what goes in or out is up to you. As you can see the opening rounds are very structured and I encourage players to think about and write out what they think their characters would want to say, but the later rounds especially the last round will me more free form the last round being totally unstructured anyone being able to say whatever it is they are experiencing feeling or transmitting at that moment. Hope this is a fun rp for all. ))

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